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Frequent inability to access heliohost's server

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I've been using this wonderful free service for a few weeks, learning to build a website. I've noticed that as often as not, I am unable to get in touch with Stevie. Is this something I have set up incorrectly, or is the poor server just overloaded that much of the time? Is there anything I can do to make it less likely that potential visitors to my site will get stuck "waiting for the server?"




There are two different cPanels, so if one is going slow, you can use the other.



-- and --



Remember the :2082 on the end. This week both cPanels encountered a problem which should be fixed now. I have never experienced a problem like this before, so it is extremely rare.


I've heard that plans for a new server, Charlie, to be setup.



There are two different cPanels, so if one is going slow, you can use the other.



-- and --



Im not one of the sysadmins, so what I say may not be correct, but I think you are wrong. There is only one CPanel, because there is only one server, and I am sure CPanel is not installed twice on the same server. I think that the only Address CPanel is at is:


And all domains pointed to heliohost just resolve to that IP. So you could even put in http://yourheliohostdomain.com:2082 and it would bring up CPanel.

And all domains pointed to heliohost just resolve to that IP. So you could even put in http://yourheliohostdomain.com:2082 and it would bring up CPanel.

Woah, never noticed that.

Weirdly, when cPanel goes slow I switch to an alternate one (heliohost.org:2082 or stevie.heliohost.org:2082) and I notice a brilliant difference in speed.


Oh well! :D


Thanks for all of your replies. I assumed it was the server, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't something I had done wrong. I've been quite impressed by all the services provided by heliohost (for free!), so I'll put up with some overloaded server problems. And I hope Charlie joins the family soon :)


i want to signup on helihost but couldnt...the signup page always display sign up not available...please help cos ave been checking every wednesday as the page says, but couldnt signup

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