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Hi... First, thanks for the free great hosting!


I am trying to execute a cron job as per the site requirements (only twice per day) but I don't think it is ever executing... My command basically looks as follows:


php /home/myusername/myfolder/myscript.php


Obviously, I am using my own values for myusernme, myfolder, and myscript but I just wanted to check that my syntax is correct. I just don't know why I'm not even receiving an email that the script has attempted to run?




Are you sure that cron isn't executing your script? Some email providers block mail from heliohost, so that maybe your problem. And yes that is the correct syntax if your script in inside the home/user/ directory. The correct syntax should look like this for your public_html directory:


php /home/myusername/public_html/myfolder/myscript.php


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