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Hi there at heliohost,



I had sucessfully registered my heliohost account, but (shame on me, i know) I was unable to upload anything within a month (shame on me again).


I was contacted via mail however to renew my account before it would be deleted. Unfortunately whenever I tried the link provided in the mail I was informed, that "We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error". I tried this several times within the given time of six days - no change.


So I thought my account was deleted. When I tried to sign up again I was told, that my domain is "in use" and my account is "in use as well".


Please reset my account or login data so I can host my homepage at heliohost again (This time I will upload everything IN TIME - promise!)



My desired (and already at co.cc registered) domain: www.stefansplatz.co.cc

My Username (same as at first attempt): mrstipe




Please help me to reactivate my heliohost account!



Thanks a lot in advance!





www.stefansplatz.co.cc shows up as a joomla login page. This yours?



Yes it is.... and indeed StefansPlatz IS a Joomla based page. But due to the fact that I had my access problems I temporarily hosted my files at hostCell.net, where I am currently tormented by a post2host nonsense account without any support. ......My bad...No mery.....I Know



I missed the opportunity to host my site at heliohost the first time, so I just want to cancel my ******** hostcell account in order to get back at heliohost- and this time upload my joomla site IN TIME.


But obviously therefore my account has to be reseted. I can not access Cpanel at heliohost with my username mrstipe and my password.



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