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I have a .co.cc domain (www.emun.co.cc). I started by hosting it with www.000webhost.com, but I decided to change to Heliohost because their fantastico stuff is down, and I am WAY too set it up manually. I have changed both name severs to the heliohost servers, but there seems to be a problem... When I go to the site, I still see the page that was on the 000webhost server... The .co.cc control panel says the name servers have been changed, so surely it should be showing the heliohost server pages (or rather redirecting to the we haven't set this up page) or will it sort itself out when the heliohost server stuff is sorted out for my domain?


Hey, cheers for the help. I think it must have been either that, or the name servers hadn't switched yet, because I checked it out today and it gives an error because my site isn't hosted here yet because of the DDoS problems.

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