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[Answered] I notice that my www.url.... is said unsecure, my https://url.... is fine

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I know that my url: https://sylvain.heliohost.org is fine. But the hosting say that the (www) is unsecure, i guess it say that the url: www.sylvain.heliohost.org is unsecure. I wonder how to do that (step by step), i'm no expert about servers and i dont want to make any problems. Or maybe some moderator/admin could check it and correct it.

user name: favrons

onto: tommy2

Well i'm glad to be with you. Thanks for your time and help.


www.sylvain.heliohost.org currently does not exist. it would need to be added to secure it. it isn't that important because most modern browsers do not need to use www to access a website.

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Thanks for letting know and helping. 😃


Yup it would be great. I have friends of mine that ask what is my url, and i notice by there own instinct they write (www) and ask what is the rest of the url. So i reply to them no need to write (www) i indicate to them start with https://

I wonder how to do it secure www (step by step), i know i repeat my self, but i realy dont want to give any errors to the server. There is many things i must learn i know just basic things about creating some webpages.

Some peoples asked me to create some radio player skin, but i dont know how to do that and host it; i have done a skin on Muses.org hosted there many years ago https://www.muses.org/community-skins. But finding some stream full url free its also hard. Some peoples even suggested me to try to create some kind of tv list menu, but i suggest them url like (pluto tv) or (tubi tv).

Well they seem to know that i want good things for the peoples. But i say to them that if it was not from peoples that have helped me trough the years, i could not do the great and good things for the peoples; so the thanks goes more to all of you that help me for my website, this beside the peoples that helped me with other domains.

Once again many thanks.


You can reissue the certificate by clicking the reissue option in the ssl/tls settings for your domain. then once on the page, goto the very bottom and click the lets encrypt option. then it will bring up a list of options that you can choose. check all of them except the wildcard option since it isn't supported yet. then click the get it free button.


Thanks for the help. A+

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