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[Solved] postgre privileges


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I has been problem of using postgre DB for using my web site builder.

I wonder you have help me like this.


In order to using my postgresql DB, I have to use public shcema but I can't use now.

Please check my settings for my DB go on Schema then my current settings like,


Schema Owner Actions Comment

mhd61 mhd61 Drop Privileges Alter

public postgres Drop Privileges Alter Standard public schema



if you click public " privileges "


the user is " postgres" which is heliohost superuser


I need privileges for public like this;


Type User/Group Create Usage

public No No

user mhd61_mhd61 Yes Yes


then I can make the tables. Could you please chagne public privilege?




My site name is : xe.heliohost.org

my user id : mhd61


thanks for your help.



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