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  myscrnnm II said:
  HerLoss said:
Electronics of any kind are a luxury many cant afford.


reading off a screen for extended periods of time gives a lot of people headaches.


eBooks suck.

I am aware of this, but the United States is one of the richer countries in the world, like Switzerland, Luxembourg, Japan, et cetera.


Why do you think Sony and Philips invented the E-Ink technology? So that you can conserve energy and save yourself some pain at the same time.


eBooks don't suck. You can go and buy your large voluminous books, but I'm going to save some trees thank you very much.

Still a great deal of US citizens cant afford a computer, much less other electronics.


Again, people cant afford electronics. Even on non light emitting screens such as the older handhelds like Palm, give people headaches.


yes, I'll go buy my books that have collectible and resell value, that I can also donate to the less fortunate.

  myscrnnm II said:
  chrisrulz911 said:
I finished the book 10 hours after it was released...lol.  The ending was quite..disturbing

Disturbing you say? How so?

as in how the hell will harry potter ever be the same again.

  /\/\/\/ said:
well, you never know when someone might be doing research on it when they don't have it. we don't wanna spoil anything!

Okay, I am not trying to be hostile here, but we have to look at this rationally.


No matter how long we wait, there will always be someone who hasn't read Half-Blood Prince yet. And it is always possible that one or more of these people will stumble upon this site. So unless you want to wait forever to discuss it, we might as well spill it now.


strangely, i have to agree with myscrnnm (i never thought that this day would came). Even if the next book is launched someone won't have read this one. So just place a SPOILER tag and everything is fine


It is violent and has Satianic underpinnings. My mom and myself have come to the conclusion that it is coming from Satan, but the English teacher at my school that teaches kiddie lit doesn't think so (scary thing is, I go to a Christian school)...

  Spacekid3750 said:
I have only read the first three, and don't want to read any more. It scares me to think that this time period will be remembered by works such as Harry Potter.

OMFG!!!! It's like the goddam Salem Witch Trials all over again!


violent????? where???????? :o

for Christ sake, where in name of God do you consider it a satanic book? Just cuz there's magic in it? Come on!!!! If it is your believes there is nothing i can do about it except respect it, but hooowwww???? I'm just curious..


If you look hard enough, you could find underlying satanic themes in Winnie The Pooh. Anyone who doesnt see the sexual and drug related themes in the original Scooby Doo has issues, or is extremly sheltered.


I find it interesting that both you and your mother come to the same conclusion, as I dont think that that is the case. I think your mother influences you in a way that you need to not be influenced, and make your own decisions.

  Spacekid3750 said:
It is violent and has Satianic underpinnings. My mom and myself have come to the conclusion that it is coming from Satan, but the English teacher at my school that teaches kiddie lit doesn't think so (scary thing is, I go to a Christian school)...

Dude, if you listen to your mother about that without thinking over it yourself, you're pathetic.


every Disney movie have a satanic slash [bleeped!] side hidden in the movies. i had an email about that. It's ridiculous to think that Disney or JK Rownling would lose time to place that. Why is so hard for people to believe that things can be plain and simple without double meanings?

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