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[Solved] Server move and domain change

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Guest hunterp11

I was wondering if I could get my account moved to tommy, as I signed up for johnny on accident. I'd also like my domain changed to hunterradio.heliohost.us.


Tommy is closed for free sign-ups right now due to it being considerably full.

You can either wait until Tommy free sign-ups are opened again, backup and delete your Johnny account and sign-up for a Tommy one or make a donation of at least $1 to skip the waiting time to get a Tommy account right now.

Please note that since account migration is not implemented on Plesk yet you would still need to backup/delete your account either way.

Guest hunterp11

Oh okay, then can you delete my account?


Hi @hunter93,

As per your request, your Johnny's hosting account with the username hunter93 was deleted on Feb 16, 2023.

Thanks for using our services and we hope to see you soon.

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