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I have a forum. I set the correct settings to send email with smtp. But I get this error:


Could not connect to smtp host : 110 : Connection timed out


<b>[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice</b>: in file <b>/includes/functions_messenger.php</b> on line <b>879</b>: <b>fsockopen() [<a href='function.fsockopen'>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to tls://smtp.gmail.com:465 (Connection timed out)</b><br />


What's the problem with the server (heliohost)??


The problem is something from the heliohost.org, because from my localhost it works alright.


PS: the same thing does for any SMTP mail.


Well, yeah.

I've checked those:



port 465

username and password is ok.


That's the interesting part. From localhost everything is just FINE, but from here no:|


Well, tbh, heliohost has sometimes problems sending emails. It happens when in each day I don't get some 3-5 somehow important e-mails. And that's not the problem from my forum.


Also, that's why I try using google smtp. And as I said already, the settings are just fine..:| But I would like to see what are in heliohost error logs regarding the fsockopen function, since it time outs connecting to the server...


The heliohost has sometimes problems, when it won't deliver the e-mail. It happens that me or my forumers don't get all the e-mails needed (until now none important - but I won't like to send a Mass email with important info and they won't get it).

So... or is heliohost email sending fixed, or I should be able to use the SMTP alternative :(

Never mind. Found how to use email on heliohost server.


Thanks a lot and srry for disturbance;)


well, could you explain how to make it work?

i'm kinda having the same problem now...


all my heliohost.org emails sent to yahoo or hotmail/live are being blocked,

so i'm trying to bypass it by using my gmail email.


Well, you can't use the GMAIL.

I think the server blocks the port 465 for other address other that stevie.heliohost.org.


Srry, if they want us to allow gmail they should open the port 465 for all outbounds. Or at least for smtp.gmail.com

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