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Enable asp.net function for my heliohost.

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As is written in the main page of heliohost, it supports the asp.net function by mono.

Yet, I don't know how to enable the asp.net function.

I post a Default.aspx page to the public_html folder , and visited my domain. Only to find it returns the source code of the Default.aspx page.

I guess I haven't enable this function or some necessary settings are not configed, but I don't know how to deal with it.

Hope somebody can help me. My email is calldanfeng@yeah.net


Unfortunately, ASP.NET is currently disabled because of the load it causes on our server. We hope to reenable it in the coming months.

  • 1 year later...

I had a simple asp .net page working for a while. I never made any changes to it, and then all of a sudden it stopped working. Very frustrating...


If ASP .Net has been disabled since before September 30, that makes it almost 3-months...


What's the status on this??? I notice you're still promoting ASP .Net on the main website, HelioHost.org...


ASP.NET was disabled because a user was using up too much resources, but it was not possible to determine which user was abusing the server. Keeping ASP.NET running would have meant even more downtime, which is the last thing that heliohost "needs".


The problem will be fixed when the new server, charlie is configured. ASP.NET applications will be "Virtualized" so that only the ASP.NET applications go down when users abuse the server.

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