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[Answered] Getting Python to work...


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I am getting 500 internal server error for my .py/.cgi file. Did anyone find solution for 500 error?

Lets see your code.


sorry for the late reply.


My code is below:




cd `dirname $0`


# ------------------------------------------------- choose a suitable Python


pycheck() {


if ! $python -c '' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then





version=$($python -V 2>&1 | sed -e 's/^Python *//')

mysqldb=$($python -c 'from MySQLdb import connect; print 1' 2>/dev/null)



collect() {


for element in ${array[*]}; do

if [ $candidate == $element ]; then return; fi


array=(${array[@]} $candidate)



# Gather a list of likely directories for binaries, skipping duplicates.



for dir in $(echo $PATH | tr : ' '); do

collect $dir


collect /bin

collect /usr/bin

collect /usr/local/bin


# Find all the Python binaries in these directories.


pythons=`find ${array[*]} -name "python*" -not -name "pythonw*" 2>/dev/null`


# Check each Python binary for its version and the MySQLdb module.





for python in $pythons; do

pycheck $python

if [ -z "$version" ]; then continue; fi


if [ -n "$mysqldb" ]; then present=yes; fi

good=" "

if [[ ! "$version" < 2.3 ]]; then

if [ -z "$adequate" ]; then



if [ -n "$mysqldb" ]; then


collect $python



if [ -n "$first" ]; then

echo "Looking for Python binaries on your PATH:"


echo "Version MySQLdb Binary"



# if [ -L $python ]; then python="$python -> "`readlink $python`; fi

printf " %-6s %3s %s %s\n" $version $present "$good" "$python"




# Allow the user to choose a Python binary or accept the first good choice.


echo 'Flamenco requires Python version 2.3 or higher with MySQLdb.'



if [ -n "${array[0]}" ]; then

echo 'In the above list, Python binaries marked with "*" meet both of'

echo 'these criteria. (If you prefer, you can enter the path to any'

echo 'Python binary that is at least version 2.3, and Flamenco setup'

echo 'will attempt to build and install MySQLdb if it is missing.)'



elif [ -n "$adequate" ]; then

echo 'The Python binaries on your PATH are listed above, but none meet'

echo 'both of these criteria. Enter the path to any Python binary that'

echo 'is at least version 2.3. Flamenco setup will attempt to build and'

echo 'install MySQLdb if it is missing.'



elif [ -z "$first" ]; then

echo 'The Python binaries on your PATH are listed above, but none are'

echo 'version 2.3 or higher. If you have Python 2.3 or higher, enter'

echo 'the path to the Python binary. Flamenco setup will attempt to'

echo 'build and install MySQLdb if it is missing.'


echo 'If you do not have Python version 2.3 or higher, press Ctrl-C to'

echo 'abort Flamenco setup. Download Python from http://python.org/.'




echo 'However, no working Python binaries were found on your PATH.'

echo 'If you have Python 2.3 or higher, enter the path to the Python'

echo 'binary. Flamenco setup will attempt to build and install MySQLdb'

echo 'if it is missing.'


echo 'If you do not have Python version 2.3 or higher, press Ctrl-C to'

echo 'abort Flamenco setup. Download Python from http://python.org/.'






It does not find python binary under /bin or /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin

Where else would python binary (executable) reside ??

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I found an interesting page on WSGI: http://pythonpaste.org/do-it-yourself-framework.html


A basic Hello World program would seem like this:

def application(environ, start_response):
    start_response("200 OK", [("Content-type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")])
    s = """<html>
    <title>Hello, World!</title>
    return [s]


I'm still going to use those tips on my Django powered sites, but this should be the way to go. BTW, one should add the wsgi middleware to one's Django settings (django.core.handlers.wsgi), I think.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all,


Was facing the same problem as everyone here with Python script returning a 500 server error and generally not working at all.


Adding this extension under "Apache Handlers" in the cPanel fixed the whole thing


Handler: cgi-script

Extension(s): .py .cgi


Just make sure that you include the PERIOD in front of the extensions otherwise it won't work!



Well it worked for a little while and now over-night suddenly scripts that worked don't any more. I'm grateful for the free hosting but there is clearly something seriously wrong with the python setup on the server.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I am new to Helio Host and so far, I really like how clean and straightforward the site is compared to other free hosts.



I think I am having the same problem as the author of this post and I would like to know if anyone has come up with a good response.



I am learning python and am trying to upload/execute this script:

(I used chmod +x (file name) to make it executable.





print "Content-type: text/html"

print """\



<h2>Hello World!</h2>






Unfortunately, I am getting the 500 error


or, if I add the handlers mentioned earlier in this thread, I can get a text file of the script, but not the executed output.


This is what I've done:




mod-python for .py ==> text version of the script

cgi handler for .cgi .py ==> 500 error

python-program for .py ==> text version of the script




My site is at:






I would appreciate your help tremendously.










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  • 2 weeks later...
It seems to work only sometimes. But I do notice that it seems work if and only if cPanel works.


Well yeah, if the server has enough resources to run cPanel, it'll have enough resources to run your script. Read the Support FAQ.


Did anyone have any luck getting this to work consistently? I was on heliohost a about 7 months ago and everything was working like a charm. I can't get a simple python "hello world" to work now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been having the same problem, but I just found the solution in the 755! I'd been making py fils and such, but they wouldn't work, however, I was able to use this one file I had. realized that everything had to have 755 perms for execution. THis may be obvious, but check your files!

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  • 2 months later...

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