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name servers


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Hi, My account was activated and I started uploading last night via FTP and could access cpanel via site url and when I pointed my browser to url, site would come up. Today when I point my browser to url I am being sent to old host error page and as such it would appear is using the old hosts name servers. I can however login to cpanel via heliohost site and login to ftp using shared ip address but not ftp server name.

What's interesting is that I set up a subdomian but when I point my browser to that it works.






domain = wildish-geese.co.cc


nameservers used:




Can someone help please?


Also I set up a subdomain and addon domain but can't remove them from cpanel now, could you remove these as I only set them up for testing.


Subdomain = lvlacleod.wildish-geese.co.cc

Addon Domain = wildish-geese.co.nz


Message I get when trying to remove addon domain = Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you do not control the domain wildish-geese.co.nz


Message I get when trying to remove subdomain = Sorry, the subdomain lvlacleod cannot be removed because it is linked to the addon domain wildish-geese.co.nz. You must first remove the addon domain.


Thanks in advance

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About the problem you faced...

Yea indeed Heliohost wasn't recover its stable state in the past.

So it's frequent that you will encounter such problem that your site doesn't show up.

Sometimes, however you might able to login your cPanel.

Just don't panic.


djbob will answer your following question

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