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Trig sucks... but I understand it, and dammit, your gunna too... if it takes me the next year of my life... after that, I wont care anymroe...

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i did understood when i learned it 12th grade... i did the right math.... you see i hate math but i have a talent for numbers... when i have all the formulas wroten down in a paper i know witch one to use and how... the problem is that we have to memorize all of them and still make the sum... so... yurk. but there is parts in math that i like...


Thats what I dislike, memorizing formulas. I enjoy having the formulas, and having to just know the order of operations, and go through and square this, subtract that, find the fifth root of that...


the problem is that here in my tests calculators are forbidden, plus you cant have nothing with the formula on it cuz its considered cheat... come on, who is the mathematician who don't use a calculator or cant consult if he forgets a formula? add this to the fact that in the same week you have physics, chemistry, history, geography, portuguese, english and biology tests.. you really starts to have anything complicated... in my oppinio math, physics and chemistry

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