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At the fear of sounding like a complete idiot, I am going to post the question anyway.


Let me first start off by telling you that I am completely green to this stuff.


I have signed up for a website and haven't started building anything yet.


I can access the c-panel and created directories and uploaded some files.


I want to have a general site that covers several topics, one of which includes online gaming.


I would also like to set up an FTP directory where I can have maps for downloads to clients that join my home game server.



How do I set up the FTP for general public access?

No user name or password. I would direct all client requests to the FTP for the appropriate map download.



I realize that I may not be asking this question correctly, so please forgive my ignorance.



Please move to appropriate topic if posted incorrectly.



Thanks in advance.


You can login to FTP with your cPanel username/password. If you are running Windows, you can access your FTP account by opening up a random folder and entering ftp://www.heliohost.org in the navigation bar and hitting enter. After that, you will receive an error. Ignore it, and right click the empty space and click "Login as..." and enter your user name and password.


How do I set up the FTP for general public access?
We don't have anonymous FTP enabled. Do you really need to use it? Why not just use HTTP?
You can login to FTP with your cPanel username/password. If you are running Windows, you can access your FTP account by opening up a random folder and entering ftp://www.heliohost.org in the navigation bar and hitting enter. After that, you will receive an error. Ignore it, and right click the empty space and click "Login as..." and enter your user name and password.


How do I set up the FTP for general public access?
We don't have anonymous FTP enabled. Do you really need to use it? Why not just use HTTP?



That's why I'm asking the experts.

Is that a better option?


How would that work?


What would my access link look like.


Is it as simple as setting up my folders in public HTTP and directing there?


Thanks for the quick response


There's not much difference between FTP and HTTP.

Both are working fine, just that FTP can drive you straight forward to access and manage your files


If you're not so familiar with FTP, just go for cPanel from HTTP, which is easy-guided.

If you insisted on trying FTP, go for software like CuteFTP, SmartFTP or freeware like FileZilla

The interface would as much like you folder browser, with some extra buttons like Upload, Download, Connect Wizard, Site Wizard etc.

Explore on your own.


Just remember as told by djbob, HelioNet doesn't accept anonymous login anymore.


Oh yea... noticed your client request.

If that's the case, why don't simply create a folder in public_html, say "Maps" without having index.html

Place all your maps in the folder, direct your client to http://yourdomain.com/Maps/

and they would see a page listed with all the maps you uploaded.


It's simple, but ugly.

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