sagnik Posted October 15, 2018 Posted October 15, 2018 Hi, I'm developing a plugin which will allow users to upload files to the server as well as send form data to the server. But I need to chunk/slice large files using Web/Service Worker so that it doesn't break PHP's upload_max_filesize & post_max_size and don't halt the UI as well. But the problem is, if the form contains input fields, I need to send them as well. I want know how can I do that?
Krydos Posted October 18, 2018 Posted October 18, 2018 I would start with something like
sagnik Posted October 27, 2018 Author Posted October 27, 2018 Okay, I've tried but it's not working that way I've wanted.Sorry but I don't have access to the Internet for the past 4 days, so I was not able to post the result here.Here is the code of my plugin: /**************************************************************************************************************************** ******************************************************SGNUPLOAD v1.0.1******************************************************* ***************************************************************************************************************************** * DATE: October 15, 2018 * * AUTHOR: Sagnik Ganguly * * E-MAIL: * * WEBSITE: * * DOCUMENTATION: * ****************************************************************************************************************************/ if (!window.BlobBuilder) { window.BlobBuilder = window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder; } if (!window.URL) { window.URL = window.webkitURL || window.mozURL; } $.worker = function(args) { var def = $.Deferred(function(dfd) { var worker; if (window.Worker) { var url = args.file; // If we have found a DOM object related, // we need constructo a `BlobBuilder` to // inline the web worker. if({ var dom = document.querySelector('#' +, blob = new BlobBuilder(); blob.append(dom.textContent); url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob.getBlob()); } // Construct the Web Worker var worker = new Worker(url); // If the Worker reports success, resolve the Deferred worker.onmessage = function(event) { dfd.resolve(event); }; // If the Worker reports an error, reject the Deferred worker.onerror = function(event) { dfd.reject(event); }; // Create a pointer to 'postMessage' on the Deferred this.postMessage = function(msg){ worker.postMessage(msg); }; this.terminate = function(){ worker.terminate(); }; // If args were passed, start the worker with supplied args if(args.args){ worker.postMessage(args.args); } } else { $.error("Worker is not supported in this browser!"); } }); return def; }; (function ($) { var SGNUpload = function (element, options) { var _pluginName = "SGNUpload", _version = "1.0.1"; var SPACE_KB = 1024, SPACE_MB = 1024 * SPACE_KB; SPACE_GB = 1024 * SPACE_MB; SPACE_TB = 1024 * SPACE_GB; var _defaults = { onProgressUpdate: function (progress, loaded, lengthOfFile) {}, onTaskCompleted: function (e, response) {}, onTaskCancelled: function () {}, onTaskFailed: function (e, error) {} } var _options = { url: '', formData: '', onProgressUpdate: '', onTaskCompleted: '', onTaskCancelled: '', onTaskFailed: '' } var plugin = this, $element = $(element); plugin.settings = {} function readBlob(opt_startByte, opt_stopByte) { var files = document.getElementById('files').files; if (!files.length) { alert('Please select a file!'); return; } var file = files[0]; var start = parseInt(opt_startByte) || 0; var stop = parseInt(opt_stopByte) || file.size - 1; var reader = new FileReader(); // If we use onloadend, we need to check the readyState. reader.onloadend = function (evt) { if ( == FileReader.DONE) { // DONE == 2 /* document.getElementById('byte_content').textContent =; document.getElementById('byte_range').textContent = ['Read bytes: ', start + 1, ' - ', stop + 1, ' of ', file.size, ' byte file'].join(''); */ } }; var blob = file.slice(start, stop + 1); reader.readAsBinaryString(blob); } function Bytes2String(sizeInBytes) { if (sizeInBytes < SPACE_KB) { return sizeInBytes.toString() + " Byte(s)"; } else if (sizeInBytes < SPACE_MB) { return (sizeInBytes / SPACE_KB).toString() + " KB"; } else if (sizeInBytes < SPACE_GB) { return (sizeInBytes / SPACE_MB).toString() + " MB"; } else if (sizeInBytes < SPACE_TB) { return (sizeInBytes / SPACE_GB).toString() + " GB"; } else { return (sizeInBytes / SPACE_TB).toString() + " TB"; } } function Bytes2ProgressString(progressInBytes, totalInBytes) { if (totalInBytes < SPACE_KB) { return progressInBytes.toString() + "/" + totalInBytes.toString() + " Byte(s)"; } else if (totalInBytes < SPACE_MB) { return (progressInBytes / SPACE_KB).toString() + "/" + (totalInBytes / SPACE_KB).toString() + " KB"; } else if (totalInBytes < SPACE_GB) { return (progressInBytes / SPACE_MB).toString() + "/" + (totalInBytes / SPACE_MB).toString() + " MB"; } else if (totalInBytes < SPACE_TB) { return (progressInBytes / SPACE_GB).toString() + "/" + (totalInBytes / SPACE_GB).toString() + " GB"; } else { return (progressInBytes / SPACE_TB).toString() + "/" + (totalInBytes / SPACE_TB).toString() + " TB"; } } function percentage(progress, total) { return Math.round(total ? progress * 100 / total : 100); } function publishProgress(e,loaded,total) { var t = $.type(e), percent = t == "object" && e.lengthComputable ? percentage(e.loaded, + "%" : t == "number" ? e + "%" : t == "string" ? e : "0%"; if(t=="object" && e.lengthComputable && loaded===undefine && total===undefined) plugin.settings.onProgressUpdate(percent, e.loaded,; else if(t=="number" && $.isNumeric(loaded) && $.isNumeric(total)) plugin.settings.onProgressUpdate(percent, loaded, total); } function werror(e) { console.log(e, 'ERROR: Line ', e.lineno, ' in ', e.filename, ': ', e.message); } function _create() { /* $.ajax({ url: plugin.settings.url, type: 'POST', data: plugin.settings.formData, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, xhr: function(){ var myXhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if(myXhr.upload){ myXhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e){ if(e.lengthComputable){ publishProgress(e); } }, false); myXhr.upload.addEventListener('loadend', function(e){ publishProgress(e); }, false); } return myXhr; }, success: function(d){ plugin.settings.onTaskCompleted(d); }, error: function(xhr){ plugin.settings.onTaskFailed(xhr); } }); */ /******* HERE IS THE PROBLEM ******* *AS MY PLUGIN IS ASSOCIATED ON $ INSTEAD OF $.fn, I DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO DOM ("#fileupload") AS USERS CAN HAVE AN ID OTHER THAN THAT********* * SO I NEED A WAY TO SUPPORT CHUNKED FILE UPLOADS WITH $.fn, I NEED A $. OBJECT */ $("#fileupload").fileupload({ url: plugin.settings.url, //dataType: 'json', done: function (e, data) { /* $.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) { $('<p/>').text('#files'); }); */ plugin.settings.onTaskCompleted(e,data); }, progress: function (e, data) { var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10); /* $('#progress .progress-bar').css( 'width', progress + '%' ); */ publishProgress(progress, data.loaded,; }, fail: function(e, data){ plugin.settings.onTaskFailed(e,data); } }) } plugin.init = function (args) { plugin.settings = $.extend(_defaults, args); $.each(plugin.settings, function (k, v) { if (typeof v === 'function') { if (_options.hasOwnProperty(k)) { _checked = true; } else { _checked = false; $.error('Invalid callback for: ' + k + ' in jQuery.' + _pluginName); } } else if (typeof v === 'string') { if ($.inArray(v, _options[k]) !== -1 || _options.hasOwnProperty(k)) { _checked = true; } else { _checked = false; $.error('Invalid value: ' + v + ' for option: ' + k + ' in jQuery.' + _pluginName); } } }); if (_checked) { $'options', plugin.settings); _create(); } else { $.error('Something went wrong in jQuery.' + _pluginName); } } } $.SGNUpload = function (options) { var _this = this; var _plugin = new SGNUpload(this, options); _this.initialize = function (options) { _plugin.init(options); return this; } if (typeof options !== 'undefined') return this.initialize(options); return this; } return this; })(jQuery); And here is the inilization code of the plugin:{ e.preventDefault(); var $this=$(this); $(this).SGNSpinner({ showContents: false, halign: 'center', valign: 'middle' }); if(validationPassed){ if(tos.prop("checked") && privacy.prop("checked")){ var data=new FormData($('#sge-upload_gamePlayForm')[0]); $.each(files, function(key, value){ data.append(key, value); }); $.SGNUpload({ url: '<?=$public_root;?>upload/ajax/gameplay', formData: data, onProgressUpdate: function(progress, loaded, lengthOfFile){ console.log(progress, loaded, lengthOfFile); }, onTaskCompleted: function(response){ console.log(response); }, onTaskCancelled: function(){ }, onTaskFailed: function(error){ console.log(error); } }); } else { $(this).SGNSpinner().hide(); $this.SGNIMsg("You must be agree to our Terms Of Service & Privacy Policy in order to submit the form. Please read the agreements first then on the I agree buttons then submit the form again."); } } else { $(this).SGNSpinner().hide(); alert("Please check the details and try again"); } }) });
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