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Are you for or against hunting?  

10 members have voted

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I hope this poll will contribute to a debate, between pro- and contra-hunting. What do you think of killing animals as a leasure or a sport? Is hunting justified for the purpose of regulating populations, or for economical reasons?






I personally refuse to hunt for leisure or for food. However, I do not take offense to those who do, I just hope that they are hunted someday. ;)


Hunting is..... ermmm... quite a necessary for me.

Because if we don't hunt, we get nothing from the animals. Like some essential oils, food, etc.

But if we're hunting for clothes and leather purpose, absolutely no!!

That isn't any necessary stuffs in our life.


Still, the main point, hunting animals isn't something illegal, but we have to control the amount. Our next generations have the right to get to know this rare species.


Any expression of a meaning on this topic is allright to me. I'm not a hunter myself, but I'm not against it as long as the survival of animal species is garanteed.

Hunting animals has been a necessity for human societies for a long time just to survive. Nowadays in most countries it's nomore necessary to hunt for survival, and it has become a sport. That may be shocking to some people.







Well, that's kinda interesting Fluffy. You tell you are hunting some months a year. I've nothing against that, as long as you can garantee the amount of game is stable over the years. Could you tell some more about the kind of animals you hunt, and in what part of the world this takes place?






I was against it because my dad believes that killing any living thing for fun is cruel.


Now, my fiance's dad is a big time hunter, so...


I think deer are overpopulated anyway.


The way I see it: People have been hunting for nigh on a million years now. Animals have been hunting for a few billion. So long as we can avoid causing a species to become extinct (which has sadly happened to many creatures, with or without human interference), I believe that hunting is an unavoidable part of life. If we say humans should not hunt, then doesn't it follow that no other animal should be allowed to kill another animal?


EDIT: I guess I don't really have an opinion on this, I just don't think that people should be able to say one way or the other, definitively, whether or not hunting is OK. (No offense to those who have/will say so, of course.)

  • 3 weeks later...
Any expression of a meaning on this topic is allright to me. I'm not a hunter myself, but I'm not against it as long as the survival of animal species is garanteed.

Who are we to say what lives and what dies?


I'm completely against hunting, and I consider it as murder.

Do you care to justify you answer? Murder is the killing of one's own species, I believe.


In today's society, I believe hunting is very unnecessary--or at least in the U.S. Once people hunted to live. They had to hunt to have food, clothing, and perhaps weapons. Now, most people can have all that without hunting. So that makes hunting unnecessary. I'm not saying this is how it is everywhere; I'm sure in some places people still need to hunt.


Sometimes the whole population control thing comes into play. I have somewhat mixed feelings about this. Yes, if there are too many of one species, it would make it even worse for every individual, but I agree with Wizard.

Who are we to say what lives and what dies?
You could also argue that the human population is becoming overpopulated. My last science book sure thought we were definitely on the way. But do we allow hunting of people for population control? Of course we don't!


As you can tell, I'm not a hunter. For those of you that like to hunt, I hold absolutely nothing against you. Many people do it. Many people in my neighborhood do it. People do it on tv. I even like deer sausage and jerky. So it's a very real part of the world, whether my opinion is for it or against it. And hunting will probably always exist while animals inhabit the earth.


I personally have never gone hunting and probably won't unless I move to a remote area and it becomes a necessity to live. At the same time I don't think it is a crime as long as you follow the laws that are in place. I despise poaching and those that do it. A great percentage of poachers are in it for the money. The other thing I am against is someone who hunts just to kill something. It is one thing to hunt and harvest the animal for food and perhaps even clothing or accessories, but when you do it just to kill there is something wrong with you. Laws are in place to prevent us from wiping out an entire species and hopefully keep animals around for generations to come.


Unless you are a strict vegetarian, you really can't justify being against hunting. Afterall an animal is killed to provide that hamburger or chicken wing. Some may justify it by saying, well those animals are raised just for that purpose. So what would these animals be doing if we weren't raising them and living on rice and beans? You might also say the same thing about fish and aquatic life. You're killing another animal, right? Besides our intelligence, what makes us any different than the lion or bear? I think some people would be hard pressed in their stance if they were put in the situation of being hungry and had their choice of eating dry grass or wildebeast.

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