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The explaination of The Law of Attraction is rather long, so I simplify it here. The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest it.

Giving meaning that if you keep on thinking of something, neurons in your brain will starting to be dominant and your subconscious might controlling you to do according to what you thinking.


This proves that how important confidence, thoughts are. If you keep thinking, and works diligently, you will success.


*I put this in Philosophy, just want to get to know about something in psychology. Can subconscious really control someone? Is hypnosis true because I haven't see any live example.


For more information, visit this site http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/08/t...-of-attraction/

*I put this in Philosophy, just want to get to know about something in psychology. Can subconscious really control someone? Is hypnosis true because I haven't see any live example.


Dont be too sure of that fact. I'm pretty sure you've witnessed it and more than once. Heck i may be so bold as to say you MAY, note i said may, have been the subject of hypnosis.


The most common type of hypnosis is mass hypnosis where an individual or group of individuals influence the behaviour of crowd using common longings or views. Hitler did this successfuly, even going so far as to convince children to sell out their parents.

Some religious sects use it, thus explaining fanatical behaviour of their followers. Mob thinking is another area i.e ever wondered how riots get out of control? Normal resonable people just go crazy. Hence the theory:


The combined thinking power of a group is inversely propotional to the number of members in that group


How? Well some use charisma, the ability to empathise with the crowd, other use a combination of music, rythmic beats that speek directly to your subconsious hence you

Feel move
by the music or message and you WANT to do something even if its something you would never do normally.

Hell, there are so many instances in history that i think its defficult NOT to believe.



But then again thats just my view.

There are other view and i may be wrong.


Well phoexer, I admit that I've witness some hypnosis which I don't really believe. Like in magic, they claimed that by hypnotise the target person, the magician could possibly make him/her levitate. That's what I heard, and that's TOTALLY NONSENSE! Totally out of physic's law (sorry, I only believe in science-based facts)


Some other hypnosis examples that I've heard, like you said, invoked by music. Like a kinda music called "Death Music", I've heard a news that people from all around the world commited suicide after listening to the music, so I've tried to search it and listen to it WITHOUT any hesitation. Well, my mood was very good, so I didn't worry anything about that. AND I've found out that the song was actually nice. I'm just wondering, when one is in blue, and accidentally listen to this song, and they committed suicide? Is the power of hypnosis such strong?


Well... about the death music, the song title is Gloomy Sunday by Sarah Brightman. It's indeed nice, with a bit gloomy feels.


*I guess we're talking more on psychology rather than law of attraction.


I'm with you on that. hypnosis does not grant etxra physical powers like a lot of people claim.

thats a load of bull.

i seriously doubt you'd kill yourself over a song too, although you have to admit that music can alter moods,

and makes you more willing to do a particular thing or changes your views on things. for example i always listen

to "T.I.: Do it" before programming and it always puts me in the zone.


I think those people who did commit suicide after listening to the song were on the verge of doing it anyway.

The song was just the straw that broke the camel's back.


*hey you're right, it is leaning towards psychology

**sorry, i dont know that much about the Law of attraction and am holding back my comments untill i catch up.


Well... about the music, you try to search and download. It indeed can alter your mood and thinking. When one is down, and listen to that kinda song, he will experience drastic changes on his mood, and think of committing suicide. I believe in this.


And, in fact, the song had killed quite a number of people. The gloomy feels really can affect one's thinking like hypnosis did. Never play with that song.


**Me neither, knowing not much about the law of attraction, try to get more comments here.


i went through the LOA

whoa, pretty deep.

So according to it my consiousness is the only one in existance and you all are part of me.

well from a relative point of view i kinda get what it says and it does make some sense.


i'm still trying to wrap my mind around the theory though.


Yea, it's really deep. And if you managed to understand it, I believe you will gain a lot of confidence in whatever things you working on.

Your conscious side can really affect a lot of things.

You think you can, YOU CAN!

Use it wisely and be graceful to the world.


Yes Sensei

I will strive to use this power for good, i will rid this world of all evil things, evil people will suddenly dies of mysterious heart attacks, i will abolish oppretion, hatred and suffering.

Then all of man kind will unite together more powerful and eternally in my debt,



On a more serious note if this world is all based on the viewers perception of reality that does bring about one question, where is every one else? Like if eveything is part of my conscienceness then does that mean that i'm the only entity in the universe? Sorry its a solid theory, in a way, i can relate. Like from my point of view the only realness is near me, "out of sight out of mind" and all that, but i just cant shake this feeling that the theory it's a bit (for lack of better wording) selfish, arrogant (still cant find the word)


Or am i going crazy thinking about it?


Nah... you're correct..

The law states like that which confused me too. Like you said, if everything around me was just part of my consciousness, then is that means one day, when I'm able to break out of my mind, conquer both of my conscious and subconscious, then I see no one in my eyes?

I think exactly the same thing as you, that's why I keep thinking, am I not understanding this law thoroughly enough??


LOLZ, guess that I'm going on crazily...


But how much basis in reality do you think it has.

The problem lies in the fact that you cant physically prove or disprove it. I mean how exactly do you determine whether you're alone in the universe and if it's valid then every effort you make to check it will lead you to where you "want" to believe for instance if i want to belive its false then the world will shape as such.


Anyway, how on earth did you find it?


LOLZ, on my guess, you're defining it a lil' bit over.

Well, the law just applies on those possible things. For instance, an event that you wish to get it happened, e.g. I would like to have a bottle of beer tonight. And soon, maybe your friends from other state came to visit you with a dozen of Heineken!!

This is the actual thing that happened and might can explain with the law of attraction.


The way you think it could affect, is too over man.


p/s: But once, I read something in a Buddha book , stating that in this world, everything is just hallucination. Distance, time are also illusions. When you exceed the level of a soul, you can move faster than the speed of light, i.e. teleportation, in that mean, distance would be meaningless and so is time.

p/s: But once, I read something in a Buddha book , stating that in this world, everything is just hallucination. Distance, time are also illusions. When you exceed the level of a soul, you can move faster than the speed of light, i.e. teleportation, in that mean, distance would be meaningless and so is time.


You lost me!


LOLZ, pretend that you never see that part, I just telling what I've read about Buddha theory. Talking about ability of God, and how you can do it (by believe in Buddha and practise it.)

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