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There was another thread in Philosophy that focused on the afterlife. Some believe that when our physical bodies die we transfer to another plane of existence. Others believe the opposite and think life ceases to exist when our body dies. Some theories suggest that the Egyptian Pharoahs attempted to defeat death by building large monuments and stuffing them full of earthly possessions so they wouldn't have to go into the next life and start over. Somehow I doubt that this worked. The phrase, "You can't take it with you" comes to mind. In a sense, even the wealthy people of today do this by constructing new buildings at colleges and having them named after themselves. In a way immortalizing themselves. Don't get me wrong, not all wealthy people are this self absorbed and many do it for the right reasons.


So why did I bring that up? The fact is you should not be so concerned about death as with truly living your life. There are some people that are already dead and don't even know it. They contribute nothing to themselves or society. If you want to cheat death you need to touch the lives of as many people as you can and make an impact. Being remember is one way of living on long after your body is gone. Another step to take is to live a longer life by doing the right things. Eating the right food, improving your mind, exercising, even looking both ways before crossing the street (not taking unnecessary risks). All of these have an impact on the length of your life. So often I have heard that we should live life to the fullest. Don't squander what has been given to you. Focus on the journey not the destination.


Actually, when we're so-called "dead", are we really "dead"??

Nobody can answer you, after a group of scientist successfully proved the existance of soul.

Many experiments has been undergo to pursue the truth. One experiment is measure the weight of the body. The result, at the moment the human is certified dead, there's a significant lost of weight. Many claimed that is due to diffusal of soul outside your body, your soul is now FREE!!


Another experiment, is called kind of like "at the edge of death". 100 patients participated, all of them are in critical situation, might be dead anytime. They put under observation, with an item put at the very top of the ceiling. Nobody know what it is, unless you're 3metres height. When patient heart stop pumping, doctors will try their best to save him/her. IF he/her can be save, they will ask his/her feel at the moment of death.

ALL OF THEM answered, I can see myself leaving my own body. Doctors are trying to save me. Then I become lighter and lighter, and started to float and levitate. I can see the item hidden on the ceiling, it's xxx.

All answers given by all the survivors are correct. Experiments shown success and souls proven to be exist. But in this experiment, only 9-10 people survived.


So, are we really "dead" when doctors certified your death time?? We might not, we just transform into souls!


You seemed to have a few examples showing that more is happening than just our body dying when the time comes. I remember reading about a photograph taken in the late 1800's or early 1900's that the photographer captured something that wasn't visible to the human eye upon the moment of death. The image or aura could not be explained. They theorized that it was the soul leaving the body.


However, I still get back to not worrying about death. As a few have already said, live life to the fullest and make the best of your time here. If you continually think about the end, you miss the journey. Have fun, enjoy life, keep smiling...


Can you possibly find out the picture?

I'm interested with that, since that was early 1900's,

And I'm also interested in paranormals.


There're still a lot of real examples that showed soul can be separated from body.

Ever believe in meditation??

I believe it can help improve the state of your soul, until your soul can freely move in and our of your body.

  • 3 weeks later...
Actually, when we're so-called "dead", are we really "dead"??

Nobody can answer you, after a group of scientist successfully proved the existance of soul.

Many experiments has been undergo to pursue the truth. One experiment is measure the weight of the body. The result, at the moment the human is certified dead, there's a significant lost of weight. Many claimed that is due to diffusal of soul outside your body, your soul is now FREE!!


Another experiment, is called kind of like "at the edge of death". 100 patients participated, all of them are in critical situation, might be dead anytime. They put under observation, with an item put at the very top of the ceiling. Nobody know what it is, unless you're 3metres height. When patient heart stop pumping, doctors will try their best to save him/her. IF he/her can be save, they will ask his/her feel at the moment of death.

ALL OF THEM answered, I can see myself leaving my own body. Doctors are trying to save me. Then I become lighter and lighter, and started to float and levitate. I can see the item hidden on the ceiling, it's xxx.

All answers given by all the survivors are correct. Experiments shown success and souls proven to be exist. But in this experiment, only 9-10 people survived.


So, are we really "dead" when doctors certified your death time?? We might not, we just transform into souls!

That is actually very interesting. so you die but your soul just caries on?


unknowngamer: Well... I can't really define the meaning of 'soul' to you since I'm not a scientist. I'm just very interested in paranormal topics such as soul. From what I know, and from my personal opinion, a 'soul' would be just referring to the energy left behind when a human dies. Human energy are spreaded and return to the Earth partially by bacteria reaction, dissociating Nitrogen, Carbon and return back to the Earth's environment. But at the same time, I mean the moment when human dies, some energy escaped out as 'aura', and this is what we called 'soul'. This energy won't be return to environment by bacteria reaction, it's more to invisible energy or specifically, electromagnetic waves.

Well... in my opinion, soul can't think as human does, soul can't perform actions as we do, but soul do have the ability to alter the electromagnetic field around us, and indirectly, alter the brainwave of human, creating hallucination (which we think is ghost).

This is scientifically proven. Many scientists went to the haunted houses with ghost rumors. They indeed saw some ghost fire (which is just biology and chemical reaction by gases released by dead bodies), and they found out that area around haunted places, have very strong magnetic field, which is able to affect human's mind if we get inside the strong field...


well... that's all for today, will share more of what I've read in future.

  • 1 month later...
i dont wanna die.


can you give me some opinion to defeat death?


Why you don't want to die?

It may not be a good thing if you not die.

For example, if all your family and friends die and only you reminding alive.

It would be quite boring.


Also if everyone also not dying, there will be too much people in the earth. :blink:


  • 3 weeks later...

A quote from an unknown source:


Food is the most addicting substance in the world. You don't actually need it to live, but the withdrawl will kill you.

A quote from an unknown source:


Food is the most addicting substance in the world. You don't actually need it to live, but the withdrawl will kill you.


Not to be an [bleeped!] and Im pretty sure it wasnt ment to be litteral, but I find that quote... whats a good way to put it...

a little slow in the mental facilities.


This discussion is like a upside-down parabola - starts with a stupid question, goes into deep stuff and complex thinking, and then degenerates into off-topic comments and personal attacks.

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