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I've been wondering what I want to major in when I grow up, since I will be having to send off for scholorships soon, and getting all my stuff straight.


So I was wondering what kind of jobs do you guys want to have, and how much does it pay (or how much you think).


I was looking at a few different jobs, but many make a lot less than you think, such as common doctors, web designers, etc.


I want to do something I like, but something that pays well too.




I have a lot that I am considering. My first job I was aiming for was to be a computer technichan, but life went on and I decided to become an Air Force Officer, and then later on a Commercial Airline Pilot.


Well, you have to think in the future.... what is there a long term need for, i.e. law enforcement officers, nurses, doctors, etc...


Then once you find that out, figure out what you would enjoy doing. Remember that if you are going to put your time, effort, and most of all, your money, you are going to want to enjoy your career.


There's nothing wrong with a software engineer's wage. The starting salary for a green software engineer is around $40,000 and grows to be around $70,000 with experience. $40,000 is already a middle-class wage in the US. The top-level software engineers have six digit salaries. $70,000 might not be that much compared to business and medical, but it's more than comfortable living.


I'm currently in college working torwards a Computer Science degree. My dream job would be developing software for UNIX-based systems.


Yes, thats fine and dandy, but you also have to look into the future. The rate at which technology is progressing, we are not going to have to have a need for unix/linux, therefore putting your job out of business.


Just remember, you need to pick something that is going to be needed in the next 30 years or more. There will always be crime, therefore, you will always need law enforcement officers, and people are always going to get sick, so there will always be a need for doctors and nurses.

The top-level software engineers have six digit salaries.


The very top-level of many jobs have inflated salaries. From the research I've done, the average software engineer makes below 100k. Found that from multiple resources on line, as well as few software engineers I've chatted with on the subject.


I'm currently in college working torwards a Computer Science degree. My dream job would be developing software for UNIX-based systems.


Thats would be my favorite job as well. But if you haven't already inferred so, I'm in it for the money. I will probably continue to program as a hobby though.



Yes, thats fine and dandy, but you also have to look into the future. The rate at which technology is progressing, we are not going to have to have a need for unix/linux, therefore putting your job out of business.


That is horribly wrong! Unix base OS's will probably become most common. Just think about it free OS | Really expensive OS that does the same thing, but not as well?


Their are millions of reasons of why *nix will succeed, but you of all people should understand that, you being a web developer and all. The internet is Unix.




Like I said before, the mid-range salary is $70,000. Might be under a six digit salary, but still comforable living. The average US salary was around $35,000 back in 2002. It's probably grown to at most $40,000. My parents make $60,000 combined salary. I'd be making more than both of them.

Yes, thats fine and dandy, but you also have to look into the future. The rate at which technology is progressing, we are not going to have to have a need for unix/linux, therefore putting your job out of business.


Just remember, you need to pick something that is going to be needed in the next 30 years or more. There will always be crime, therefore, you will always need law enforcement officers, and people are always going to get sick, so there will always be a need for doctors and nurses.

Most OSes like Mac OS X are Unix or Unix-like.


Unless computers program themselves, there will be a need for programmers, especially at the rate which technology is progressing. Unix itself was the first operating system. The babies it's spawned are gaining computer marketshare. It's more likely that we'll be using Unix and Unix-based OSes in the future than anything else.


What if doctors, nurses, and law enforcement are all relpaced with robots and the such? Then I'd be out of a job :)

What if doctors, nurses, and law enforcement are all relpaced with robots and the such? Then I'd be out of a job :)


O to the contrary, who would program the robots? You would essentially take over the job of all of those people. :)

What if doctors, nurses, and law enforcement are all relpaced with robots and the such? Then I'd be out of a job :)


O to the contrary, who would program the robots? You would essentially take over the job of all of those people. :)

I ment if I were a doctor, nurse, or a law enforcer.


A friend of mine works for an oil company and makes $60,000 a year in an entry-level job with no formal experience O_o.

A friend of mine works for an oil company and makes $60,000 a year in an entry-level job with no formal experience O_o.


LOL I bet, as much as gas costs now-a-days. ^_^


Anyways, while looking around, it seems that business is the way to go. It has one of the highest pay.

I think programmers should get payed a lot more. I want to make at least six figures when I grow up, but I would really like to go into CS -_-


It's that I'm not in it for the love of the job. It's more like my passions have financial requirements, which are higher than average.

I want to be able to go snowboarding every weekend if I want to.


Get where I'm coming from?

It's that I'm not in it for the love of the job. It's more like my passions have financial requirements, which are higher than average.

I want to be able to go snowboarding every weekend if I want to.

Higher than average? More like higher than higher than average :mellow:


Business is cool, though.


Yea, true that. I'm hoping to make anything in the six figures.

I guess I could be a chief executive of Vavle or something (I could make them use openGL :) ). That would be totally awesome.


I still have a long ways to go until I decide. I might change my mind back to programming before I go off to uni.



  • 3 weeks later...

LOL Picking a general career sucks. I keep going back and forth from business to computer science. I just don't know what to choose. So what else are you guys interested in?


Keeping my mind open for other possibilities always. (:

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