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i think the way the pension age have gone up from 60 - 65 is very irritating and its like they want us to die earlier so they can have all our money


Uhm... what?


And here I thought it had something to do with improved living conditions and increased lifespan :/


I would agree with the government being corrupt though ;)

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Naynesh I hope you get banned forever.


Taxes in some places in America are descent, but in my state I am getting tired of my local govt.'s ignorance. We have to pay whats called a "civil penalty" if we get a speeding ticket. An average speeding ticket here costs $200, but now we have to pay the $1000 dollar civil penalty fine! I thought this was simply to prevent large amount of speeding, and since I live right next to a popular express way to a popular vacation spot that got used a lot. But the weird thing is that if you are not a resident of where I live (ie. a vacationer) you don't have to pay the civil penalty! I thought this was stupid as we should tax tourists as thats a huge thing around my location. This is what vegas does, they tax the casinos so their residents don't have to pay as much tax. It's a great plan and I don't see why my state doesn't follow it.




  • 3 weeks later...

If you look at the last 50 years in the United States the 3 biggest incresses in money to the goverment were when John F. Kennedy, Ronald Ragain and G. W. bush cut taxes.

Besides if the polititions really wanted to do something about Social Security in the states they would have found better things to do like I believe Brazil has privetized the system they have but have a saftey net and everyone is retireing earlier. The big wigs in Washington do not want to fix it because then they lose something to argue about and make people think they care for something more than power.

  • 1 month later...

well actually, when the retirement age was originally made (during the Great Depression I believe?), the age was the average life expectancy of Americans, so the government would gain from their putting money away for retirement.


Social Security was unconstitutional when it was passed and it's unconstitutional now. It only got through the Supreme Court so the Justices could prevent Congress from helping Roosevelt pack the Court, which he was trying to do as well. The thing's a pyramid scam. Charles Ponzi did the same thing, just privatized, and it landed him a nice cold jail cell.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There are two things you can count on in life, Death and Taxes. While I don't agree with everything governments spend our taxes on there are plenty of things I do approve of. Roads for example, if we didn't have taxes the roads would be in such disrepair you'd never get from point A to B without killing yourself or disabling your vehicle. Another thing is the military. I know some of you disagree with how the military is used from time to time, but the fact is without them freedom would be short lived. Never blame the military for doing their job. Civilian leadership calls the shots on when and where they are used. Ask yourself how different things would be without the military's help during a natural disaster.


There are a lot of complaints about the age to receive retirement benefits from Social Security going up but as someone already stated so has our life expectancy and standard of living. Truth is if you want to retire early you can, just learn how to spend your money wisely and save for the future. I for one plan on retiring earlier than 65. After all, what's the point of retiring if you're too feable to enjoy it.


While I don't agree on spending $500 for toilet seat or a couple million to research the migratory pattern of a swallow there are some projects/programs that are of great benefit. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. It is also worthwhile to note that we do have some say in the matter. Let your vote count and let your opinion be heard by those in office. That's my two cents.

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