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Im still no closer to getting to my answer, how do i get a heliohost sub domain and hosting?? in sub domain i mean something.heliohost.net


I think what djbob means is that you can't get a something.heliohost.net. Heliohost doesn't have a domain with .net - they have one with .org . And for you to get a heliohost.org subdomain, you will have to purchase the hosting and then you will automatically get a SOMETHING.heliohost.org subdomain. Do you get what i'm saying?


Maybe sometimes we should think before we act eh?


Anyway... can we actually GET an option to get something.heliohost.net for a purchasable option?


helionet.net sounds redundant.

Much better being .org

heliohost.org sounds more community friendly "organization"

net implies "network" which there isn't much of I don't think :/

helio-host/net seems kinda by itself and not associated with anything else.


I like org


I have something to ask about the Helionet domain too. How come djbob didn't buy a .com domain? Its more common and its predictable. When someone hears about helionet, like me, i assume it must be a .com domain as it is common. Is a .com domain more expensive than a .org?

I have something to ask about the Helionet domain too. How come djbob didn't buy a .com domain? Its more common and its predictable. When someone hears about helionet, like me, i assume it must be a .com domain as it is common. Is a .com domain more expensive than a .org?

This is my guess to djbob's thinking. Unlike many other people, djbob probably knows the difference between the different domain names. A .com domain is supposed to be used for commercial purposes, a .net domain is supposed to be used for networks, and a .org is supposed to be used for not-for-profit organizations. The .org domain makes the most sense for Heliohost. While .com domains are more popular, it's not correct to use a .com for a free host.

  • 3 weeks later...

k hope you get what you were trying figure out.


Good-luck with that kyle! (my names is kyle too) :)


BUT Can We got the sub domain for it in, for another helionet.net??



WELL I MEAN Cant you just get the .net in the plans for the sub domain- helionet.net??


Cause it would be better in a sub then full domain.

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