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Dear Heliohost Team,


First, thanks for all your work behind the scenes that make Heliohost something special. Sorry to learn of Stevie's demise. I've happily donated in return for keeping my little site up and running for many years, and I'd like to move it to Tommy. Please could you free up the following for me so that I can re-create on Tommy:


Username: n747mm

Domain: n747mm.heliohost.org


Many thanks,




oops, I need to change your helionet forum name. Give me a second.


Okay try signing up with Tommy now.

Your Helionet display name and login name have both been changed to n747mm2


Great, I've signed up OK and am waiting for web/FTP access to start working.


Is it possible to revert my Helionet name now or does it have to remain different? I probably confused things earlier today by updating the email on my forum account (which was a bit out of date) to be the same as my PayPal email -- I've just seen in another post that they should have been different :o(

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