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I was trying to register on HelioHost, but the registration was suspended till 00:00 UTC.

I'm from Spain so at 00:00 UTC is 02:00 here. I'm afraid of not being able to sign up the service if I wait until the next day.

First time I met HelioHost was on Free-webhosts a few years ago, I used to develop websites only using html (and a 56k modem :D ) and constantly looked up good free hostings. Now, almost ten years later, I decided to start a blog for teaching Spanish for free. I came around, checked Free-webhosts and saw HelioHost, HE IS STILL ALIVE! amazing I thought. I must confess that I never tried out HelioHost but being online for so many years is a great mark of confidence.


Today is Sunday and I can spend my time installing wordpress, plugins and the theme. I was wondering if it was possible to contact an admin in order to get an account. Maybe that's not possible however thanks for reading!


Long life to HelioHost! I wish you every success :)


You just have to wait until 2am unfortunately.


Back when I joined, registrations were on pacific time. I live in eastern time, which meant I got up at 3am to register...most of us who've been around here long enough have done it at one point.


You can see the state of sign ups here: http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ Note that Stevie is the only server that currently accepts registrations. Tommy is not yet released (he's still in private beta), and Johnny is crashed.

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