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Your account wasn't activated yet. Try now.

Hi, I'm new here. I have the same problem, my site hasn't been activated since my registration on tuesday. Please, check this account too: serpent.heliohost.org.


I would, depending on your experience level with html programming, either (against my personal judgement) get a program like Front Page or DreamWeaver or if you're like me and are an advanced html programmer, just use notepad or textpad to write the code yourself and save it as an .html file or .shtml file. Once you have done this, upload it to your public_html folder on your server


Make sure to use FTP for that. If you want, you can just use the editors built into the online file manager, and it will upload automatically.


yeah your ftp address would be ftp.{Your User Name}.heliohost.org

your ftp username would be your username

and your ftp password would be your password


If you don't have an ftp program, you could use DJBOBS suggestion or download you one. Do a google for 'free ftp programs' I personally use WS_FTP but you could use cuteftp also, which I believe is free.

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