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if some way some how we were to be transported to this new earth, i dont think that todays people would mentally be able to hande how it would look. I mean from the picture i saw it looks like something from star trek and kinda freaked me out.


LOL the picture you saw was an artists perception of the planet. We can't "see" the planet, per say. We can detect the planet from determining the wobble of the star due to it's change in light frequencies. Our sun does the same thing as the gravity of our planets pull on it causing it to wobble. Look up center of gravity to understand why this happens. Anyways the reason it's Earth like is that it is relatively close to the size of the Earth, which means it's solid, and is just the right distance from the star for water to exist in liquid form. It may have the same exact atmosphere as mars, but there is a possibility that it has an atmosphere like ours none the less. I think that we should spend less resources on discovering life, and more on terraforming. That would be cool to see in my lifetime(I wish lol).


I read it elsewhere, a super-earth has been found.. possibly with intelligent life?


Huzzah for new earth like planet discovery!


Yes theres a possibility that there is "intelligent life" but most likely there is no life at all, and if there is life then it's probably just a simple bacteria. The chances that a multi-cellular organism has formed is highly unlikely, let alone one with a complex brain structure and to allow them to see, think, and react to their environment, which still is just the level of a primate.


A truly interesting topic, but placed in the wrong forum. Is it that hard to pay attention, people?




well, i think that terraforming is a good idea, and we should start on the moon. I also believe that anyone who believes that we are the only "intellegent" life (and i use that word very loosely) in the vast area of space, that they are very closed minded.


If we where to start terraforming I would say we go for mars. It's more "Earth-like." I think that it would be cool to see how the animals evolve and change from there original ancestors on Earth. That would take millions of years though.


I doubt we would resettle their. Isn't it smaller than earth? And if we were that polluted that we had to go to a planet 20 million light years away we could probally deal with some pollution.


I would really like to find "something" on this planet in our lifetime. However unlikely it is that we manage to get there.


And yea, people are closed minded, there would be those who if we did find life would say its all a hoax. The main reason for this would probally be because of religious beliefs.


K guys, if the Earth were to get polluted we would probably move to Mars. It's probably more suitable for us to live in. I know that those pictures were really souped up and make it look like the planet has water and an atmosphere, but the truth is we can't see the planet at all. How do we know it's there you may ask. Well we can tell by the wobbling of the star that orbits it that there is an object that around the size of the Earth, and is far enough away from the star to be able to sustain water in the liquid state. In this case, Mars fits in the same category, it's Earth sized, far enough from the sun to be able to sustain water in the liquid state as well. It just doesn't have the atmosphere to keep the heat. Thats why I mentioned terraforming. Thats where we go to mars and make an atmosphere. And from there the rest should come quite easily!




K guys, if the Earth were to get polluted we would probably move to Mars. It's probably more suitable for us to live in. I know that those pictures were really souped up and make it look like the planet has water and an atmosphere, but the truth is we can't see the planet at all. How do we know it's there you may ask. Well we can tell by the wobbling of the star that orbits it that there is an object that around the size of the Earth, and is far enough away from the star to be able to sustain water in the liquid state. In this case, Mars fits in the same category, it's Earth sized, far enough from the sun to be able to sustain water in the liquid state as well. It just doesn't have the atmosphere to keep the heat. Thats why I mentioned terraforming. Thats where we go to mars and make an atmosphere. And from there the rest should come quite easily!

Like I said earlier, we can barely fit our population on Earth now, how would we do it on Mars since It's smaller? Also I would be argued that Mars doesn't have any oceans so theres more land to build on, well where would we get our water? It wouldn't be practical to melt ice from the caps of ice to use them. If this planet turns out like we would hope it to it may be much better than Mars. Also migrating the entire planet to another planet wouldn't happen. It would probally mostly be explorers or people from the countries who are suffering the most from the problems on Earth; like when we discovered the Americas. Mars will probally one day be civilized but not become the new Earth.



Did you not understand anything?

"if this planer turns out like we hope"~

Ummm........It's a planet, it's solid, it's at an earthlike size as in it is approximately. More than likely Mars will be the more inhabitable planet. The other one is two far away, probably has no water, no atmosphere, basically a bigger version of our cold, desolate moon.

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