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  • 3 years later...

I think he is a puppet on a string....much like the majority of other Presidents.


Big business, international banking and purposely created consumer mania really runs this country. Not these silly governments and politicians who try to control our lives.


I hate how so many people think he's such a bad president, 'cause he's not. Hey, you're still alive are you not?

The war may have been a mistake, but some of his decisions may impact us in the future and he will be seen as a more popular president later on.


The same thing happened to another president, he was very unpopular but is now seen as one that greatly impacted the nation. Forgot his name though, anyone know who I am talking about?

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm surprised that so many of you seem to think people like Bush... I know very few people who actually support him. Most people I know think he's a bad president. But I think he's great. Yeah, you can complain about the war. I also hate war. I'm reading All Quiet On The Western Front, and war makes me sick. But sometimes it's necessary. Of course, if you just listen to what the corporate media tells you, you'll hear about how useless the war is and people are dying and we never should have started it. But they don't bother to mention that Saddam Hussein killed millions of people, and would have killed millions more if we hadn't stopped them. They don't show the military documents that prove that we did find weapons of mass destruction, nor do they mention that Saddam Hussein hated America and talked several times about destroying us. Some unbiased media would do a lot of good for America.

  • 9 months later...
Guest JF_Sly

Well I believe that he has received way too much criticism. One other thing that we have to remember is that Most everything that goes on requires action by members of Congress as well. Congress had to approve going to war (and I'm sorry, they did not all have wool pulled over their eyes - republicans nor democrats). Congress has more to do with the economy than the president does - they make the budget, etc.


Do I believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (not necessarily nukes) - Yes, I just believe that Sadam managed to get them either out of the country (to Iran, Cyria, etc) before the fall, or he managed to get them hidden in the desert (after all, we found jet fighters buried in the desert in attempt to preserve them from destruction).


I also believe that there was atrocities against the common Iraqie people going on (as is the case with many dictatorships). Unfortunately the world as a whole did not care to get involved (just like in Sudan....) At some point, a nation needs to take a stand.


This not to say there there may have been some within departments/agencies that may have taken liberties with interpetations/analysis, etc (that is a fact of human nature). But I believe as a whole, the evidence at hand at the time was the best that we had and a decision needed to be made.





  • 2 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I think if there was no war during his presidency then he would have been a fine president. I think the war was probably unnecessary but I believe that once started we should fight the good fight and finish what we started but gracefully.


Overall I supported Bush and the Republican party.


1. Started a war in Iraq over oil... not WMD's

2. Amassed an enormous debt to fuel this war

3. Allowed corporations and the rich to pay very little tax

4. Under funded important public institutions, schools, heath care ect.


And the list goes on and on...


To be honest I can't name one good thing he did though out his presidency.


Stolen from G+

To further the case against him even more.


Amnesty International calls for arrest of George W. Bush

New York City, N.Y., USA


Thu Dec 1, 2:04 p.m. EST:
Amnesty International is calling for the arrest of former President George W. Bush while he is traveling overseas in Africa.


The human rights group issued a statement today calling for the governments of Ethiopia, Tanzania or Zambia to take the former president into custody. According to Amnesty, the 43rd president is complicit in torture conducted by the United States during his administration and should be held pending an international investigation.


Bush is in Africa to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS, cervical and breast cancer.


Read more:








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