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[Solved] Problems Accessing The Cpanel And Website

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I'm having some problems accessing my website since this morning from my ip address, if i use a proxy or even my mobile network ip address i can access the website and the cpanel, however if i try to access from my main home network i get a connection timed out error, i can't tracert or even ping the server.


It looks like it was blacklisted on your firewall somehow.


My username is lordneo and my website is lordneo.heliohost.org


again i have problem to connecting from my home provider *isper.sk (

to my domain website titan-ras.sk or to cpanel, but now I get error:

The connection has timed out

for me it seams some problem in the route to (Hurricane Electric Inc.) because ping to my domain name not responds,

ping to ns2 ( works, but to ns1 ( not (i have ns2 as first in my domain dns settings),

because when i connected to internet and ping from *dynamic.swanmobile.sk ( these all pings works


Horray it works again thx Byron, but why sometimes is the ip from my home provider blocked?

it is static ip, does from the ip come some attacks?

I would try to contact my provider and check it.


Your ip was probably blocked during a DOS attack and has nothing to do with you. You just had too many connections during that attack and the server blocked you too.

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