Helions Posted April 5, 2007 Author Posted April 5, 2007 All of that was plaguarized. That eliminates any credibility you had in the first place. i think you meant plagiarized... =P! Quote
AverageJoe Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 To summarize the video, it is about Christian beliefs of the radicals. They believe the Harry Potter is the enemy of All Mighty. Some even fell that these believes are so important that they should indoctrinate their children with them(Make their kids be Christian radicals). They also believe that the All Mighty will ascend from the sky and slaughter humanity........I mean save us.....lol.......by the time that global warming takes affect. That is if it is not a conspiracy, as thought by them. Now moving on, What do you think about Christianity being taught in schools? I have nothing against, except the fact it will violate the freedoms of Americans in the long run. If Christianity is taught in schools, then we must retain equal public facility's. This means we would have to teach Islam, Judaism, and every other religion that is believed in by Americans. I'm not one of those guys that are like OMG it says god on the dollar bill. I couldn't give a [bleeped!], it doesn't affect me. But if they were to teach religion in schools I would not be willing to pay all the extra tax that would come along with it. I also wouldn't want to put up with all the [bleeped!] of getting it worked out. End the end my opinion is simple, if the religious society can come up with a solution that won't affect me than I'm fine with it. I would also like to take a poll, will YOU vote for a person if their beliefs are the same as yours, even if their not is qualified as the other candidate? Talking about presidential candidates here. If an atheist ran, and was not as qualified as the Christian candidate, I would surely vote for the Christian. Quote
Ashoat Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 That really depends on what you mean by qualified. I vote for a candidate based on their beliefs, yes... but so do you. You yourself would probably choose a President based on their beliefs regarding gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, the War in Iraq, etc. You wouldn't choose based on "qualifications" for the job... that's sounds like a resume item. A candidate might have more or less experience, but what matters is what they are going to do with the job. Quote
AverageJoe Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 K. I must say that you make a good point. Those are some good things to debate to. But my point is that in resent studies it has shown that christians would vote only for a christian no matter what the circumstance may be. Would you? And would you classify yourself as a radical that I described in my last post? Quote
Ashoat Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 That's a really hard case to judge, because I don't know how extreme everything set. If you have somebody who calls himself a Christian but doesn't seem all that great to me (eg. Bush) versus somebody who I know would be a great president, then I'd choose the latter. Quote
Kyougi Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 K. I must say that you make a good point. Those are some good things to debate to. But my point is that in resent studies it has shown that christians would vote only for a christian no matter what the circumstance may be. Would you? And would you classify yourself as a radical that I described in my last post? Studies show that the majority Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote Democrats. Does it matter at all? No. Quote
AverageJoe Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 Yes it does, hat is ridiculous. O even if this guy is a total idiot he is a democrat so I should vote for him. And I am referring to superficial traits that really don't effect the ability to be a good politician. If you vote for someone based on their beliefs in a god that is also ridiculous. I am not talking about their standpoint on laws that affect us. Whether they believe in abortion can effect our society, but whether they believe in a god wont' effect us positively. I'm not making this statement about just fundys, but to all people. Their religion/or lack of one, should not effect your vote in any such way. If they believe in abortion and the other doesn't, and your religion dictates that abortion is immoral then you voting based on what morals you have not what god the candidate believes in. I for one would vote for a Christian if they met my standards(which I do not believe is out of the question). Joe Quote
ness Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 yes their is a god...that is the answer to your question wasnt it? now i dont want to get to into that subject. evryone belives their is some type of god unless u are athiest and believe nothing happens when u die. u just die and do not exist anymore. darn it i got to far into this subject !!! Quote
AverageJoe Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 If we don't just simply die what do you think happens? Are soul goes to wonder land were it is subjected to endless piles of ice cream? Or as some religions believe, if you sustained from bacon, or pork in general, for your whole life then you get to sleep with 10,000 virgins! Trust me I would love to be able to believe that is true, but since it isn't, and I don't believe in god, I can try to get pretty close to that here on Earth. O, and I find it funny that people don't believe the story"you get to f#@!# a lot of girls if you follow these rules" is not a myth. And remember, according to you story believers, 99.9% of all religion is false, and totally obscure towards the truth. So don't say that religion is a logical answer, because according to you religion is 99.9% illogical. Quote
Ashoat Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 Yes it does, hat is ridiculous. O even if this guy is a total idiot he is a democrat so I should vote for him. And I am referring to superficial traits that really don't effect the ability to be a good politician. If you vote for someone based on their beliefs in a god that is also ridiculous. I am not talking about their standpoint on laws that affect us. Whether they believe in abortion can effect our society, but whether they believe in a god wont' effect us positively. I'm not making this statement about just fundys, but to all people. Their religion/or lack of one, should not effect your vote in any such way. If they believe in abortion and the other doesn't, and your religion dictates that abortion is immoral then you voting based on what morals you have not what god the candidate believes in. I for one would vote for a Christian if they met my standards(which I do not believe is out of the question). JoeThe thing is, Kerry was a Christian too. You have to remember that both candidates were Christians, so Christians did not pick one or the other because of that. My guess is that they picked them according to their views on subjects such as abortion and gay marriage. If we don't just simply die what do you think happens? Are soul goes to wonder land were it is subjected to endless piles of ice cream? Or as some religions believe, if you sustained from bacon, or pork in general, for your whole life then you get to sleep with 10,000 virgins! Trust me I would love to be able to believe that is true, but since it isn't, and I don't believe in god, I can try to get pretty close to that here on Earth.You claim you base your arguments on scientific fact, but this is false. Half of your statements are overexaggerations to say the least. First of all, what religion claims you get to sleep with 10,000 virgins if you don't eat pork? If you mean Islam, then you are grossly mistaken as to their perception of heaven. As for your claim that an afterlife is not true, prove it. You have no evidence to prove this, so don't be so sure. O, and I find it funny that people don't believe the story"you get to f#@!# a lot of girls if you follow these rules" is not a myth.Prove it. Your statements are pointless without conclusive evidence. And remember, according to you story believers, 99.9% of all religion is false, and totally obscure towards the truth. So don't say that religion is a logical answer, because according to you religion is 99.9% illogical.Your sentences are becoming incomprehendable again. My guess is that you are making claims without proof again, but I may be wrong. What are you saying? awsomejoe23, you are very fanatical about your atheism, to the point where your views do not have scientifical backing. Is that not what constitutes a religion? Quote
AverageJoe Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 Love this debate lol The thing is, Kerry was a Christian too. You have to remember that both candidates were Christians, so Christians did not pick one or the other because of that. My guess is that they picked them according to their views on subjects such as abortion and gay marriage Was I talking about that election? NO. I was watching the history channel yesterday and they were talking about this very subject. Though I can't remember the times it has happened, many Christians admitted to voting for one candidate, solely for the reason that he was a Christian. They said that, that president is one of the least like presidents ever. As for your claim that an afterlife is true, prove it. You have no evidence to prove this, so don't be so sure. LOL And about my last quote, I was merely saying is that you believe in your religion. There are thousands of religions out there that you don't believe in. Do you think that they experience the same "high" or such, that you experience with your god? Do you think that all of their fairy tales are false, yet yours is the only one that is true? You were right when you said that arguing you out of religion was impossible. You will never stop believing in your mythology, as the technology to prove it totally and utterly wrong is still far out of our grasp. Though the time will come when Christianity is obsolete as the sacred tales that the Greeks passed down, which are much like your Christianity. The biggest difference is that you are mono theistic, and they were polytheistic. Now I have nothing against Christianity. It causes many people to do good things, that they would not ordinarily do. Though I do pity that it takes the fear of rotting for eternity in a really hot place. Now just out of curiosity, how serious of a Christian are you? Do you believe in gay rights, evolution, or premarital "fun"? Quote
The Funkster Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Hey all, I believe that in time we shall all know the answers to our questions, but until then we ultimately really have no bloody clue as to what is going to happen. Or what has happened. Science is a fantastic thing, it enables us to develop drugs to help people, understand diseases etc. Where as religion or faith, gives us hope, trust, something to live for. Both have their pros, and their cons. But really in all reality no one knows what happened nor do any of us know what will. I do not believe in God as in the bible version, I believe in a higher power. But in a way I am very much a person who is sitting on the fence and agnostic in my beliefs. If we were all so sure of our faiths then wouldn't that be blind faith, isnt it good to question our faiths, whether it be in science or in religion? Anyway I am very tired so sorry for my lame post. Dean. Quote
Helions Posted May 4, 2007 Author Posted May 4, 2007 so what do you guys think happens when we die? our bodies probably just decompose and continues the cycle of life....but what happens to our souls? do our souls just wander around the earth? in heaven? in hell? just disappear? or do our souls also recycle into other life? hmm..interesting... if our bodies and souls just disappear at the time of our death, will we ever find the answers? Quote
The Funkster Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Good point, But if our bodies do decompose and nothing else happens when we die, then I guess there will be nothing to *know* or find out. After all if we do all just die and nothing else is after it. Then religion is wrong. And if religion is wrong then have those people who have a faith wasted their time, and effort. Or has it provided them with something to look forward too, false hope it maybe, but thats all that gets some people through their day. Dean. Quote
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