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Yes, there is a God. If there wasn't, we wouldn't be living the life we're living now. Only God makes the sun go up and sun go down. who makes the rain fall, Who grows the plant, who gives us our life source? Only God. Just look at the Bible, every event that occurred has been recorded and you'll see that God was a part in creating this world. The animals of this world were created by God to be taken care of by the humans, who were created in God's image. This is only my opinion.

Yes, there is a God. If there wasn't, we wouldn't be living the life we're living now. Only God makes the sun go up and sun go down. who makes the rain fall, Who grows the plant, who gives us our life source? Only God. Just look at the Bible, every event that occurred has been recorded and you'll see that God was a part in creating this world. The animals of this world were created by God to be taken care of by the humans, who were created in God's image. This is only my opinion.


The bible does not record, it simply stated events that already happened. The bible wasn't made until around 400 A.D. So of course it could have "predicted" what happened in 100A.D. If you look at the bible I would like to enlighten you on how it was written. I will show you a bible I............I mean god wrote.



The Bible II



I am god and I made the all-powerful Joe! He made all the [bleeped!] everywhere. He is why you will not be punished so worship him by going to his site(which benefits me!) I god like for you to go to his site. Now on the date 9/11 a great tragedy will happen, it will be called 9/11! Two planes will fly into these two massive structures. Then the americas will fo to war with Iraq. Though you must still proceed toe visit my site to worship me! The end will come some day, and I will send Joe to save teh people who believe in me.


Written by the deciple of god, bob, and god himself in 1950.


Wow I must of created the universe, it says so!


*Sorry I didn't read whole topic*

It all depends. If you believe it is a God, then it is. As you can't see atom but you know it exists. If you don't believe there is a God, then is there not a God. Again, it all depends.

*Sorry again*


As you can't see atom but you know it exists.

We can see atoms, and have been able to see them for some while. So if you don't believe it then you are a retard. I will now refer you to the video at the beginning of this topic. ;)


It all depends on who you are. You can believe in God and be perfectly happy and not believe and be perfectly happy. I like to believe the "leap of faith" statement. You can't say that everything that has ever happened is just a chapter written by "God". But you can't assume that everything that has ever happened has a completly logical explination. After all, is there anything logical about religion?


First of all... none of you know how to use grammar or even spell properly, so none of you are qualified to be debating a subject at this level. Really... you can all do better.


Todays apes, in millions of years will evolve into beings similar to us.
Do you have any evidence to back this claim up? It is highly unlikely, for many reasons. First of all, most experts predict that the Earth will be destroyed by then. If not, then humans will most likely continue to be the dominant beings on the planet, and will thus prevent any other beings from taking over. We have the ability to manipulate the environment, and therefore natural selection is much less potent on the world then it was before. This claim really does not make much sense. There are two grammar mistakes in the quoted selection.


beings adapt to their circumstances over time, they werent just put their like your story book tells you. scientists have already established that we were descended from apes.
You are making assumptions about Christians' beliefs. Not all of us discredit the Theory of Evolution. Furthermore, your post reveals an obvious emotional bias against Christianity, which severely impairs your ability to debate the subject logically. If you want to make a point or convince someone, try to stay away from claims that you cannot prove. There are five grammar mistakes in the quoted selection.


while the bible has some admirable qualities to live your life by, the whole premise that the earth was created in seven days is nonsense.
Ever heard of symbolism? There is one grammar mistake in the quoted selection.


what is even more nonsensical is that people like you still choose to believe in this when there is overwhelming proof to the contrary, but you probably think that is a big conspiracy theory..........


P.S. Who wrote the bible............................O, yea, not god. A bunch of greedy politicians put it together around 400 A.D.
Do you have any proof that the writers of the Bible were greedy politicians? Do you have any proof that the Bible was written around 400 AD? Do you have any proof that the writers were not divinely inspired? Your points are almost completely subjective, and have little backing evidence. There are six grammar mistakes in the quoted selection.[b/]


physical evidence (fossils, etc.) isnt proved beyond reasonable doubt??? and the bible is??? You have absolutely NO proof god exists, yet refuse to believe the actual proof we have standing right of front of us??? how does your brain work? illogically, im guessing.
Again, the assumptions. I'm not even gonna keep counting the grammar mistakes. And I'm not just criticizing awsomejoe23 with the grammar... all of you have horrible grammar.


Many university and college courses on Christianity or comparative religion express the view that Christianity is merely a variation of a more ancient religious theme. They teach that Christian faith developed from or was influenced by the ancient pagan mystery religions of Rome, Greece, and Egypt. Therefore, the conclusion of such courses is that Christian faith is not unique as it claims, but at best an imitation faith, claiming to be something it really is not. Professors draw numerous "parallels" between the motifs of "dying and rising," "savior"-gods, and then, observing the centrality of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Christian faith, assert that Christianity was merely a later form of such pagan religions. [...]
All of that was plaguarized. That eliminates any credibility you had in the first place.


That was real informative!

So you do you believe in the fictional sacred text of Christianity to?

Or do you think that heaven is a never ending land of ice cream and extremely hot babes?

If your Christian its obvious that you believe you will worship for for eternity, since that is what your fictional sacred text says.

and for all of you Christians out there WHY ARE YOU ON THE COMPUTER? Stop sinning, it clearly says in the bible itself that though shall live the simplest of lives and though shalt not have idles. So if you have been on the computer more than you have been with god you, as they say in my town, are going to rot in hell were the devil will? make you listen to michael jakson! :(

The grammar in that post was so bad, I didn't even understand what you were talking about.


I offend you, do you know how many times I'm offended by Christians everyday, just because I don;t believe in a fairytale.
Oh, I'm so sorry that you're offended. I'm sure it's so hard having to go through Christians insulting you everyday. I bet all your peers shun you for being an atheist. It must be so difficult! I mean, all we Christians have to do is fast (at least the Orthodox ones...), go to Church, pray, follow the doctrines of Christianity, etc. But you have to stand the difficulties of being slandered for being an atheist! I bet you get stoned every day, huh?


I'm responding to awsomejoe23 because I happen to disagree with him, but honestly if I was an atheist all your arguments would be just as easy to refute.

We can see atoms, and have been able to see them for some while. So if you don't believe it then you are a retard. I will now refer you to the video at the beginning of this topic. ;)

Sorry I am not retard but sorry too - I don't belive in God.


Yay more Christian ranting!

First of all... none of you know how to use grammar or even spell properly, so none of you are qualified to be debating a subject at this level. Really... you can all do better.

First how old are you? Have you graduated from college? I'm in my first year of high school, and I'm dyslexic. I go through spell check, and a dictionary on almost every post in the debates tying to make most words that are intended to be spelled right, grammatically correct. I am some times in a hurry and can not fulfill this deed so my posts do seem to be quite wrong, in grammatical terms. This is why I hate it when people, with the complete ability to create a coherent sentence, should do so.


"beings adapt to their circumstances over time, they weren't just put their like your story book tells you. scientists have already established that we were descended from apes."Do you have any evidence to back this claim up? It is highly unlikely, for many reasons. First of all, most experts predict that the Earth will be destroyed by then. If not, then humans will most likely continue to be the dominant beings on the planet, and will thus prevent any other beings from taking over. We have the ability to manipulate the environment, and therefore natural selection is much less potent on the world then it was before. This claim really does not make much sense. There are two grammar mistakes in the quoted selection.

Ummmm, sure. Have you by chance happen to take the time to look at the fossils that have been found. Ever heard of the Neanderthals? Also, who is to say we will not evolve as well? We have been able to control our surroundings for some time now. How do you know that we will not adapt to the environment we are making for ourselves? O, and what about races, as they begin to intermingle, humans will change? So some apes may form as we do in the future, but by then we will also have changed a great deal. I also did not intend to give the impression that all apes will evolve to be similar to us, some may take other paths such as that of which the Neanderthals did.


"while the bible has some admirable qualities to live your life by, the whole premise that the earth was created in seven days is nonsense."Ever heard of symbolism?

So, let me guess, you just "interpret" the bible according to how it best affects you at that particular time? Maybe thats why when we found overwhelming evidence to support evolution, Christians decided to indoctrinate it into their fairytale as "symbolism" so they did not sound like complete idiots. It's quite convenient huh. O, and just out of curiosity how do you know how to interpret things? Please explain the method of incorporating evolution with "let there be light" and l"et there be stuff" to "from Australopithecus to Homo habilis to Homo sapien, excluding many steps in between as they are to great to list."


"P.S. Who wrote the bible............................O, yea, not god. A bunch of greedy politicians put it together around 400 A.D."Do you have any proof that the Bible was written around 400 AD?

Yeah it was in my history curriculum. All the Christians were upset when they heard this(denial).

Do you have any proof that the writers of the Bible were greedy politicians?

Once again the state curriculum for history class. At that time period there was a great sense of religion in Europe. People started to place there loyalty in the church rather than the government. The church could sway an election either way(so they charged for this luxuries). It was during this time that corruption was at its peak. It was the church officials that became the biggest political leaders. This brought the corruption to most of the church officials. The officials enjoyed this power and had to make sure that they were continued to be trusted, so they erected the bible. Now I'm not saying that all the officials that created it were greedy, but that the majority were. A good example of the politicians using religion to gain there way is the crusades.


Do you have any proof that the writers were not divinely inspired?

As I learned in my church when I was a Christian, many biblical scholars admit that a portion of the authors never existed due to overwhelming evidence. Now do you have any evidence that they were divinely inspired?


"I offend you, do you know how many times I'm offended by Christians everyday, just because I don;t believe in a fairytale."Oh, I'm so sorry that you're offended. I'm sure it's so hard having to go through Christians insulting you everyday. I bet all your peers shun you for being an atheist. It must be so difficult! I mean, all we Christians have to do is fast (at least the Orthodox ones...), go to Church, pray, follow the doctrines of Christianity, etc. But you have to stand the difficulties of being slandered for being an atheist! I bet you get stoned every day, huh?


O, so sorry you have to go to church because you choose to. So sorry you to pray/talk to yourself, because you choose to. Sorry if you have to follow "fairy tales" because you choose to. O, and I do believe it is the bible that says "treat thy as thou shalt treat thou neighbor." Well I don't bash the Christians in my town unless they start it. So they poor people that have to follow the bible can break it to bash those who don't "See the light from above(not the sun ;) )"


I'm responding to awsomejoe23 because I happen to disagree with him, but honestly if I was an atheist all your arguments would be just as easy to refute.
Yes it is not hard to prove your point when all your answers are based on a interpertation. Next thing we know we will be arguing whether or not Nostradamus predicted World War Two and 9/11.



Now respond with some evidence to support your beliefs, along with what your beliefs are. Please don't make this whole debate about solely discrediting me. Though please do tell me if you can prove me wrong about any statement I have made as I do wish to be able to full comprehend the differences between science and religion.




P.S. Sorry about the quotes in the quotes, only so many quotes are allowed in a post.






First how old are you?



Have you graduated from college?



I'm in my first year of high school, and I'm dyslexic. I go through spell check, and a dictionary on almost every post in the debates tying to make most words that are intended to be spelled right, grammatically correct. I am some times in a hurry and can not fulfill this deed so my posts do seem to be quite wrong, in grammatical terms. This is why I hate it when people, with the complete ability to create a coherent sentence, should do so.

You seemed to do a pretty good job in that sentence. Just do that for the rest and you'll be fine ;)


Ummmm, sure. Have you by chance happen to take the time to look at the fossils that have been found.

If you mean have I ever looked at fossils from human evolution, the answer is yes.


Ever heard of the Neanderthals?



Also, who is to say we will not evolve as well?

It's quite simple, actually. Look at ourselves. Us humans have broken the system of natural selection. For instance, look at people too stupid to wear seat belts. Naturally, much more of them should die than the smarter people, right? Natural selection. However, humans have made laws forcing stupid people to wear seat belts. Here's another example: humans have killed off a lot of species, but that effect has slowed down in recent years. In fact, even species dying from natural causes have stopped dying. The reason? Humans are keeping them alive. We're protecting them, creating better conditions for them, etc. The world is getting less and less affected by natural selection and more and more affected by artificial selection.


We have been able to control our surroundings for some time now.  How do you know that we will not adapt to the environment we are making for ourselves?

Uhm, we will... that's why we make it.


O, and what about races, as they begin to intermingle, humans will change? So some apes may form as we do in the future, but by then we will also have changed a great deal. I also did not intend to give the impression that all apes will evolve to be similar to us, some may take other paths such as that of which the Neanderthals did.

I doubt that races will intermingle too much. And most experts agree that the Neanderthals died at least partly because of a high childbirth mortality rate due to huge brain size.


So, let me guess, you just "interpret" the bible according to how it best affects you at that particular time?

No, I interpret it according to how the Saints interpret it. Orthodox Christianity preaches that instead of interpretting Christianity yourself, leave it to those who know what they are doing.


Maybe thats why when we found overwhelming evidence to support evolution, Christians decided to indoctrinate it into their fairytale as "symbolism" so they did not sound like complete idiots.

That passage has been accepted as symbolism for a long time. Please research your facts before blurting them out.


It's quite convenient huh. O, and just out of curiosity how do you know how to interpret things? Please explain the method of incorporating evolution with "let there be light" and l"et there be stuff" to "from Australopithecus to Homo habilis to Homo sapien, excluding many steps in between as they are to great to list."

Let there be light has nothing to do with evolution. Let there be light has to do with the creation of the Sun. I mentioned how stars form earlier in this topic. If you mean let there be man... it should be pretty obvious. God took dust, ie. organic matter, and created living organisms. Is it that hard to grasp?


Yeah it was in my history curriculum. All the Christians were upset when they heard this(denial).

That's not a source. Give me a website, book, etc... something that can confirm your thinking. Your interpretation of a source is subject to bias, and therefore cannot be accepted as a credible source, especially when you are at one extreme of a debate.


Once again the state curriculum for history class. At that time period there was a great sense of religion in Europe. People started to place there loyalty in the church rather than the government.  The church could sway an election either way(so they charged for this luxuries). It was during this time that corruption was at its peak. It was the church officials that became the biggest political leaders. This brought the corruption to most of the church officials. The officials enjoyed this power and had to make sure that they were continued to be trusted, so they erected the bible. Now I'm not saying that all the officials that created it were greedy, but that the majority were. A good example of the politicians using religion to gain there way is the crusades.

Everything you just mentioned was from the Roman Catholic Church. I'm from the Eastern Orthodox Church - I have nothing to do with the Catholics.


As I learned in my church when I was a Christian, many biblical scholars admit that a portion of the authors never existed due to overwhelming evidence. Now do you have any evidence that they were divinely inspired?

No, but that's the point. You're trying to argue a belief with science, which is, by design, impossible. I don't need any evidence, because I believe anyways. You are trying to convince us something through science; therefore, you must have credible evidence.


O, so sorry you have to go to church because you choose to. So sorry you to pray/talk to yourself, because you choose to. Sorry if you have to follow "fairy tales" because you choose to. O, and I do believe it is the bible that says "treat thy as thou shalt treat thou neighbor." Well I don't bash the Christians in my town unless they start it. So they poor people that have to follow the bible can break it to bash those who don't "See the light from above(not the sun;) )"

Right back at 'ya. You don't have to be an atheist, or at least you don't have to tell everybody you're an atheist. Stop whining about how hard life is for atheists. There's a South Park episode about this - see it.


Yes it is not hard to prove your point when all your answers are based on a interpertation.

And yours are not? Are you not interpretting the evidence you are given? Or are you just spewing it out like a garden sprinkler?


Now respond with some evidence to support your beliefs,

I don't need evidence. Blind faith does not involve evidence.


along with what your beliefs are.

Check Wikipedia for "Orthodox Christian".


Please don't make this whole debate about solely discrediting me. Though please do tell me if you can prove me wrong about any statement I have made as I do wish to be able to full comprehend the differences between science and religion.

The differences are extremely simple: science is based on evidence, religion is not. They cannot be compared at a debatable level, and therefore an argument between the two is completely pointless.


P.S. Sorry about the codes in the codes, only so many codes are allowed in a post.

Yah, I noticed that... you can use code boxes instead.


Guys? Let's try to rebut what was said based off of the argument, as opposed to the arguer.


I don't think that we should get mad at each other and make personal attacks on each other.





Can you both agree to that?


O.K. You believe in blind faith, I believe in what I see as fact.

Everything you just mentioned was from the Roman Catholic Church. I'm from the Eastern Orthodox Church - I have nothing to do with the Catholics.

So since when did the fairy tales change between the catholics and orthodox Christians?


Did you watch the video? Do you fell as you would be categorized under that sort of extreme?


You started this forum when you were like 14?


P.S. I really don't have anything to those who have faith, just those who idiotically believe that things like global warming won't affect us so we should try to make the world as shity as possible before the great guy comes done and slaughters the majority of the world during the rapture.

Anyways my biggest problem right now is the whole lust thing, as my girlfriend happens to be a Christian.


So since when did the fairy tales change between the catholics and orthodox Christians?
What fairy tales? Religion doesn't have all that much to do with fairy tales. Usually those are specific to a region. For instance, I believe the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood was derived from Germany, and although Italy has historically been loyal to the same church Germany has been loyal to, that fairy tale wasn't all too popular until recent times.


Did you watch the video? Do you fell as you would be categorized under that sort of extreme?
No, I didn't watch the video. Sorry, but I don't have the time. You can summarize it if you wish.


You started this forum when you were like 14?
Yes. It started as one of the forums on a free forum host... forums really aren't too hard to administrate ;)

The hard part is managing the hosting, which only gets hard when you get lots of accounts and you need to automate simple tasks.


P.S. I really don't have anything to those who have faith, just those who idiotically believe that things like global warming won't affect us
Global warming is a different topic, but, although it stupid to deny the fact of Global Warming, the effects of it and the cause are debatable.

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