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I say you change the avatar upload size when purchasing it from ibstore... I tried and could never get my avatar uploaded. I even went to a 32x32 black square and it was about 856 bytes, so 800 bytes of upload space is too small... no one will buy from ibstore if it's that small, they'll just upload them at imageshack.us or somewhere, then redirect the image for free... so I ask you make it to be about 1,600 bytes or 3,200 bytes, which is enough for at least some basic avatars like the one I have now.

yep... what's decimal system?

The decimal system of unit conversions says that 1000 bytes is 1 kb, and so 3000b would be 3kb. its based in powers of ten, like the decimal system, and is a good way of figuring amounts roughly.

The exact measurements are in increments of 8 I think, which is where we strange ram measurements like 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, etc. In this system 1 kb is equal to 1024 bytes, and so 3kb equals 3072 bytes. I really have no clue why it works this way, probobly having something to do with the number or digits in bianary or something.


yeah, but why is it 8 instead of 10? there has to be some reason... I mean, I think theres 8 digits in a bianary character, and a character is a byte i think... *shrug* anyways...


because 8 originally allowed enough combinatons (2^8 = 256) for every symbol necessesary inluding letter, punctuation, and special symbols and others. it really only uses 7, (128) but the extra was so that it would still be a power of 2 and nit looked nicer with a 1 infront instead of a 1 OR a 0 infront.


so iuf you have a text file, unless you have some ultra new or advanced symbol or character. just take the number of characters and thats how many bytes you have. multiply by 8 to get how many bits. and from the amount of characters if you divide by 1024 you get how many kilobytes it is. and then if you multiply that by 8 you get how many kilobits.


I know, and that still doesnt exactly answer my question, unless the point is that whomever came up with the system was a total retard like whoever created the american measurement system with inches, feet, gallons, quarts, pounds, ounces, that all dont follow any basic rule of 10, or any other number. you have like ounces, 16 of which equals a pound, and then god know how many of those equal a ton, with no measurement in between. And inches, 12 to a foot, 3 feet to a yard, something like 5 thousand to a mile, it doesnt make any sense.


thoes things were based on what was needed to know, not mathamatical. for example, an acre, is the land an ox could plow in one day. they wanted to know how much space they had because they knew how much an ox could plow and stuff. its complicated.


Yeah, but an acre is an acre, thats different. There arent any other square measures based on it, and it isnt base on any. I mean the conversion from one measure of a certain dimention to a bigger or smaller measure of the same dimention.

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