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wow... thanks alot people.. I'll be sure to do more logos more often... but if you want a specific font.. i recommend finding it at 1001fonts.com, then send me a link to download the font you want if you want it in your logo... I've downloaded already halo and halo outline if anyone wants a halo font :P


I think I might open a php shop where you can buy some of my services like a users online box installed on your site (I'll make it, not find one like others do), or any thing you request... I'll make them home made and professional, not rip them from a site... but I'll stick with logos for now, and then midis later (I compose)


what do you mean by that.. well i found at the whole tune to halo by myself and can play really good :P


um.. i don't have a site to upload it too so until then no... i did have a forum software i made that was nice.. but it got deleted from my host so yeah..

  • 5 months later...

^ Okey dokey.


I'm not doing images right now due to inactivity online. I have school and girls to worry about right now :P

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Dang this topic has been inactive. Well instead of creating a new topic, I'm asking all new requests be posted here. But I'll go ahead and do any request you have... all you do is pm me this message after I create your image:

This is your name here paying you a check of # of helions as a promise to pay you back when IBstore is back up.


Thanks everyone.


I'm not gonna need to be a client anymore, I got/figured out Fireworks, and most of the Gradients in there are far more than I even need. However, I will say you do some great pictures, when you have enough a description :P


lol thanks GC268... I'm just trying to find a way to get my domain renewed by April 15... I have like... ~400 to go.

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