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Dumped bad...


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I just go dumped sunday from a girl i dated for about 3 weeks, and she's really mad at me, and want give a clear reason.. here's recently what we said:


Gyroblader57: hi

dressedinpinkxox: yo

Gyroblader57: wasup

dressedinpinkxox: jc

dressedinpinkxox: you

Gyroblader57: nmuch

Gyroblader57: how did chorus go

dressedinpinkxox: fine bbl

Gyroblader57: sarah has been really mean today

Gyroblader57: *bonya

Gyroblader57: she started laughing at me and saying "Ha! Scarlett dumped you!"... and was just really annoying me

dressedinpinkxox: LMAO

Gyroblader57: did you tell her?

dressedinpinkxox: yea

dressedinpinkxox: she's like are you going out with josh hill and i'm like hell no

Gyroblader57: so ur really mad at me then aren't u

dressedinpinkxox: hhmm let's see you're bugging the hell out of me, you lied to me, you never gave me any space, you didnt trust me-i'm mad

Gyroblader57: lie?

dressedinpinkxox: but i have one thing to be sorry for tho..

dressedinpinkxox: yes you lied

dressedinpinkxox: I'M SORRY I DIDN'T DUMP YOUR [bleeped!] SOONER!

dressedinpinkxox signed off at 7:56:57 PM.


and I'm Gyroblader57 she's dressedinpinkxox.



anyway, I am trying to ask her just to be friends and she won't, she's really mad at me, and well i'm just feeling sad at the moment. (oh and those wanting to im me don't use that sn, i used it because she keeps blocking me... use NCst8Fan57 for aim)


so i hope no one else has gotten hurt this bad before, if so please post here :)

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Well I can definitly relate, I have horrible luck when it comes to ways of getting dumped. I dont mean to drop in and tell my story, but... lol


A few months ago, I guess she got sick of me or was with someone else, so instead of actually talking to me or w/e, cuz that would have been fine, I get oh so nicely arrested for "physically abusing her." Ha! my [bleeped!]. So next thing I know she has what she THINKS is a restraining order (haha, idiot, its a contract, and being a minor, I can get out of it! :P ) Ive also more recently found out that she was... well.. "with" other guys if you know what I mean, (trying to keep it appropriate), a LOT of other guys. So now I have all kinds of doctor appointments for different tests cuz I know some of the guys and their diseases, not to mention she has the nerve to talk [bleeped!] about my more personal atributes (lies of course ^_^ ) and actually called me up a week afterwards to ask me what our biology homework was! I feel so used...


Alright, enough about me. I've pretty much learned that you just dont get really serious for quite awhile, I mean at least a year or two, so if [bleeped!] happens early on your not as attached. You bounce back I guess. I did, and now I'm back on the prowl. :ph34r:

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sprry for getting off topic, but at HerLoss, there really was a restraing order and an abuse arrest, what did you do to abuse? sounds like something the crazy h**s at my highschool would do. sadly i dont have a girlfriend and i dont know whats its like to be dumbed... unless you mean 2 years ago when my g/f dumped me because i was a QUOTE! "your a programer who spends too mcuh time on the internet... (me: talking to you!) you will never make any money or become anything like this"


that was in 9th grade, she moved, im in eleventh now. not as dramatic as anyone elses but the last bit is what hurt me the most. after that i though "ill show her" "ill be like billgates v2.0!"


the next day i felt like telling her (but i didnt) her who is the richest person in USA?

is he a football player?

an actor?

a guynacologist!?

no! he is a programmer!


sorry for the rant there.

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I'm a girl... Let's see if I can help.


eTronicGaming: what was the lie she accused you of? Cuz sometimes is something you think is silly but actually aren't... But maybe, if it isn't anything that comlicated, u could try to give her a little time, thenmake her something nice, or just try to talk personally... That if you want her back. If not... well, let it dies for a moment, then try to talk see why she got mad at you. BTW... NEVER EVER tells a g/f that you just wanna be friend.. That's almost impossible and actually hurts a lot. It's like "I know I made something wrong, but instead of talking and solve that i prefer just to be your friend and we forget the rest". It can never mean that... but it seems...


HerLoss: this girl you described sound really crazy... What was the exact accusation she made? And if she goes out with so many people, then you should really make tests...


awesomegamer: better for you. I just thinks that a g/f should like same things as you and respect your choice... same thing to b/f... If the person doesn't respect you, it might hurt, but it'll be better later...

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sprry for getting off topic, but at HerLoss, there really was a restraing order and an abuse arrest, what did you do to abuse? sounds like something the crazy h**s at my highschool would do.


She tried to say that I raped her (kinda hard when she couldnt keep her hands off me) and that I beat her and all that crap. total bs.



Yep, shes a nut all right. I have a habit of picking the most psychotic girls to date. No real reason either, it just kinda happens.

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btw.. i have no idea what the lie was... i don't remember ever lying which is weird... also, she calls me a lier, then turns around and tells my best friend that she is mad at me for pushing her to go out with my best friend which is a lie, so she is lying instead of me. also, now she is trying to pull the same trick on my best friend what she first did to me when i asked her out.. so i'm helping my friend out with her right now, and trying to tell him to wait a while before asking her out :P

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too bad im not in a realtion ship now...




u need help


theres this girl at my lunch table who it hink is pretty and were kinda friends.

i like her and i think she likes me but im not sure.

she never mentioned a b/f so i dont know if she has one.

and another problem i dont know how to tell this girl i like her, or what will influece her situation and response.

any help?

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just talk to her and start a convo, ask her if she has a b/f, then if not, just go ahead and ask them out... if you have know them for a while and they are your friends and don't have a b/f, chances are 9/10 they'll go out with you.

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