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Johnny Cpanel License


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We are aware of the cPanel license issues that are occurring on Johnny. This same exact thing actually already happened once last month in June. The cause is the company that we buy our cPanel licenses through is having issues keeping the Johnny server license online, but they aren't having any issues with Stevie. We don't understand, and haven't received an explanation as to why this is.


When this happened the first time a temporary one month solution was set up to get the server back online and fully functional as quickly as possible. This allowed us 30 days to speak with our licensing company to make sure this wouldn't happen again in the future. They assured us that it wouldn't. Unfortunately it did happen again, but once again we reiterate that this has nothing to do with Heliohost. All of our bills are paid, especially and including the Johnny cPanel license, and we are working as quickly as possible to get all services back online as soon as possible.


As you might be able to imagine, we are strongly considering switching our cpanel licensing provider, but we've been using this same provider for over eight years now and we've never had any problems before the two times in the last two months. Most services on Johnny should still be online and functional, such as, http, ftp, etc. so users should be able to update their sites and take backups through ftp if they want to. Stevie users aren't affected at all by this downtime. Thank you for your patience during this process.

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