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[Solved] Queued: Robdog75

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I signed up to Heliohost yesterday on Johnny, as my plan was to upload my website when my account was ready. However I have had a bit of a nightmare. As I have created my website using Wordpress. I did a backup of my entire site yesterday just in case of problems. Which did occur to the point my backup got corrupted. So in a nutshell I've got to build my website again. Fortunately it's not that big a website so it should be completed by the end of next week if not sooner.


I just wanted to let you know so if when my account is activated because I have seen it is in the queue and there is no activity on my account for a few days it's because I'm rebuilding my website. If you want to delay activating my account that is fine and I will let you know when I am ready to upload my website when it is completed.


If you could let me know that would be great.






Username: Robdog75

Server: Johnny

Domain: robgregg.co.uk

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