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Problem Running A Flash File On Dalhous.heliohost.org

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I am trying to use this little flash player to display a play and stop button to start and stop a piece of background music. Works fine in all browsers but when I upload it and view it in a browser, the sound no longer starts.

Contained in the index.htm and the flash file is in the same folder, any ideas?



<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="player_mp3_maxi.swf" width="50" height="20">

<param name="movie" value="player_mp3_maxi.swf" />

<param name="bgcolor" value="#5c85a3" />

<param name="FlashVars" value="mp3=Dalhous-Loop3.mp3&width=50&loop=1&autoplay=1&autoload=1&showstop=1&showslider=0&buttonwidth=25&sliderwidth=220&bgcolor=5c85a3&bgcolor1=5c85a6&bgcolor2=5c85a3" />



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Works fine in all browsers but when I upload it and view it in a browser, the sound no longer starts.

What do you mean it works fine, but it doesn't work? Are you saying that the author of the flash .swf code claims it works in all browsers? Does it work on another server but not Heliohost? Are you saying that it doesn't work in one browser, but does in some others?

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What do you mean it works fine, but it doesn't work?:

When testing on my pc's it works on the following browsers:

firefox, IE, safari & chrome

Does it work on another server but not Heliohost?:

I don't have access to any other servers on which to try it on

Are you saying that it doesn't work in one browser, but does in some others?:

Once installed on heliohost, none of the flash files I have tried to run work, so I was asking if flash is enabled on heliohost or if I should be placing the swf files in any particular folder to enable them.


My site is for my sons music so he wanted the option to play music on 3 of the pages, soundcloud and youtube embeding appeared to work but flash didn't and I couldn't understand why not.



Hopefully this has removed the html around the post

Edited by dalhous
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