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My Site Refuses To Load A Swf

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Ok heres the error I'm getting

[sun Oct 07 06:27:56 2012] [error] [client (IP REMOVED)] File does not exist: /home1/fm1337/public_html/help/404.shtml, referer: firemaster1337.co.cc/help/status.swf now if you go to firemaster1337.co.cc/help/status.swf you will see it actually works now for me to be able to actually load the site I have to make it help.firemaster1337.co.cc/status.swf how can I fix this?


Hang on another error File does not exist: /home1/fm1337/public_html/help/crossdomain.xml


This is the code its trying to load http://pastebin.com/P6BPFF9x


After what seemed 20 minuetes banging my head against my keyboard I finally fixed it.

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I did some research and came across this https://support.ookla.com/entries/21097566-what-is-crossdomain-xml-and-why-do-i-need-it

So I modifed this

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<allow-access-from domain="*.mycompany.com" />

<allow-access-from domain="*.speedtest.net" />




and changed it to



<?xml version="1.0"?>


<allow-access-from domain="*.firemaster1337.co.cc" />

<allow-access-from domain="*.help.firemaster1337.co.cc" />


and now it works


Problem was the site didn't want to allow the main site to access the swf so I had to add the crossdomain.xml file in the subdomain folder

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