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@stgeorge I was thinking about moving from Johnny to Stevie but have decided to stay where I am at for now. What about you?



Stevie is OK at the moment, I am connected to cPanel, except that at:

8.00 am GMT page load time was 2 secs

Now at 13.00 GMT page load, with CMS system cache on, is 7 to 8 secs.


I wonder whether more Western users on line or more Eastern users are later birds.



Personally I would stick where you are as ever since I signed up on HelioHost, over two years ago, I notice Stevie is intermittent on a near daily basis. Sometimes down for days or hours at a time.

Having said that it has been OK today so far, but it has gone from a two sec page load to 8 sec back to 6 sec today here in the UK.


I have not has sites on Johnny so I have never bothered to keep an eye on the Server


Well here we go again.

The server has been down a day now.

I can understand the odd breaks in service but stevie when it goes down goes down for hours if not days.


It would be nice if someone could explain why it takes so long to deal with these issues.


Stevie has been down randomly for the past few days, but I'm not sure why.


The problem might be that Stevie has so many more accounts than Johnny.


The problem I find is that having tried to host a website on stevie for over two years now, I really do wonder why I have not given up totally.

I think the reason is that I realize that the people on HelioHost are really trying to make this hosting work.


I will often put a website up here, but it seems that after a few weeks I am always moving it off again.


Even when I have no TLD on HelioHost I keep an eye on the Hosting to see if there is any improvement in the Server reliability, mainly by browsing the Forum as I always judge that the best way to see how Hosting is doing. I have already mentioned that backgound running e-mail clients are a good way to see Server Status.


So just when it seems Stevie is getting a run of reliability I put a website back up, only to find the reliability does not last too long.

If I was paranoid I would think it was my fault, as the Server goes down shortly afterwards.


As for Johnny, is it that the Paid Hosting goes on Johnny and the Free Hosting goes on Stevie?


The point I am trying to make is that I do use Paid Hosting and that is because the Free Hosting was reliable.

The main Hosting I use, edgedhost.com, is no longer Free but has only been down twice in two years, due to a DOS attack and a Hack defacement and that was some time ago.

The owner is quick off the mark and is the same even though he still has free accounts that he feels he is committed to.


Having said all that I have manage to switch the DNS to edgedhost, upload the website and it is now back on-line in under 45 minutes, so I should call it a minor bugbear.


Even HelioHost themselves say the Johnny server is up and down but I have been watching the monitoring site and at least lately Johnny has been up much more than Stevie. I am glad I stayed on the Johnny server.

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