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Hi there,


About 2 weeks ago i tried to change my domain eyh.heliohost.org to erh.heliohost.org. When i log into cPanel it says my domain is now erh.heliohost.orgr and hence i can't access my webpage. Resubmitted a change domain name a few days ago but nothing as of yet, just wondered if you could help me sort this out?


Thanks in advance!


It seems that you accidentally added an "r" to the end of ".org".


I just checked your account in our database and your domain is showing as "erh.heliohost.org" (without the "r").

It seems that you accidentally added an "r" to the end of ".org".


I just checked your account in our database and your domain is showing as "erh.heliohost.org" (without the "r").


Thanks for the reply. But i can't access "erh.heliohost.org", it comes up as domain not found?


Try changing your domain to something else. If that works, then try changing it back to erh.heliohost.org.


I know that that isn't the most ideal thing to do because of the time it takes to change a domain, but I'm not sure what else to try. This would help diagnose the problem (unless another admin knows a way to fix this...).

Try changing your domain to something else. If that works, then try changing it back to erh.heliohost.org.


I know that that isn't the most ideal thing to do because of the time it takes to change a domain, but I'm not sure what else to try. This would help diagnose the problem (unless another admin knows a way to fix this...).


Okay i'll do that, tried adding a free parked domain for now so hopefully that works anyway!


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