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George Bush is an idiot???


Yeah agreed. :P

Though I'm from Europe then I don't know too much about him, but as far as I know him, I don't like him...


maybe you should try to find out more about him then...it's hard to judge someone fairly if you don't know too much about them...


Bush has mixed opinions. Generally, anyone smart enough to use a computer hates Bush. Bush has done nothing but push our nation to bankruptcy. Our US national debt is nearing nine trillion. Our dollar isn't even worth a dollar.

All I have to say is thank God this is his last term in office.



Vote third party.


I would like to state a simple fact, Bush is an idiot. He is retarded. I can't wait till he's out of office. We need another Clinton, he took us out of debt and put us in a surplus. Not saying I'm siding with Hillary though, just that we need another president that was as good as Clinton was.


I thought it was interesting how he was almost a religious Messiah figure in the years post-9/11. I wonder how the Christian community as a whole thinks of him now, and I also wonder if he'll become a religious leader after his presidency. That's what I'm most worried about, because at sizeable segment of Christians in the U.S. believe the world is going to end soon, and I don't want to live in a world in which the people who have cultural and political power are preparing for the end of existence, rather than for our children's and grandchildren's future.


Yes you can see what some popular Christian beliefs are at my website here


George Bush would have never been elected if it weren't for the Christians. And don't you find it ironic that many polls are held at churches. We need to put an end to the juvenile belief that we will be put in time out for eternity, if we don't worship a god. So we need to take out all the religius politics(including Bush) that think global warming is a lie, and that all that matters is their religion. We need to replace them with people who use logic and sense to make choices that will best benefit our nations present and future.

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