Hi, firstly thank you for your service for me it has been a precious tool for learning about website creation, in the 5 years that I have used Heliohost it has been a brief weekly task for me to visit your website and click on whatever publicity is available. That has made sure that some funds are coming in to help pay for the service over the years. I have read here on the forums that Stevie may be down till january or febuary. I actively use my website for hosting some videos I use on other website through links so I have followed the steps for transfer to another domain as shown here: http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account Since my site is on Stevie I imagine it is impossible to delete for the same reason that I can not log in to the cpanel. I have a local backup of the website data, but help migrating to Tommy is needed, or at least help deleteing my account so I can start another with the same name servers.