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  1. Hi, Would it be possible to be granted remote access permissions for my postgres server? database: educampagnola_nvx username: educampagnola_admin Thanks a lot!
  2. I'd like to have remote access to my recently created database, thanks in advance: Connection info agilise.helioho.st Database Host (PostgreSQL) Database name agilise_db Username agilise_agilise
  3. Hey there, I hope it's ok that I hop in here. Could I also access my database remotely? The database is tofsjonas_helio_postgres_1 and the user is tofsjonas_postgres Best, Jonas 🕺
  4. hello.. is it possible to access postgresql remotely? I need to host postgresql database for app that deployed at cyclic.sh.. thank you..
  5. database: hieuminh_shopiidb server: johnny.heliohost.org username: hieuminh_db how to enable remote access and please guide me how to connect postgresql from postgre admin? thank you.
  6. Hello, I have the problem that I can't connect remotely to the postgres database I made. My connection parameters are: Host: johnny.heliohost.org Port: 5432 dbname: dbdm_data Username: dbdm_user Password: (correct password) I want access from all IPs Thank you so much for your time and help. I really appreciate it!
  7. Hi, Good morning! I have the problem that I can't connect remotely to the postgres database I made. My connection parameters are: Host: johnny.heliohost.org Port: 5432 dbname: shion_whaticancook Username: shion Password: (correct password) I want access from all IPs Thank you so much for your time and help. I really appreciate it!
  8. Hello there, I would like to request remote access to PostgreSQL database. Server: tommy.heliohost.org Database name: wbwb33_dev_db Database user: wbwb33_dev_user Access: all IPs Thank you for your time, Best Regards
  9. Hello! I would like to know if it's posible to upgrade to Postgresql 12. Thanks! Regars
  10. Hello, Could you help me to get remote access to postgresql dbs I've created? Is it possible to install net5 to the server? I've uploaded files to respective folders. Thank you muchly zorro
  11. Hello There, I would like to request Remote Access to PostgreSQL database. Server: johnny.heliohost.org Database Name: akshuag_aperture1 Database user: akshuag_aperture Access: all IPs Waiting for your Response, Best Regards
  12. Hi, I have been trying to re-install the latest Joomla (3.9.x) onto my raspberry pi, using my new heliohost postgreSQL database. I couldn't figure out why the installation script hangs until php timeout (increasing the timeout value just causes it to hang for longer), then returns to the pre-installation overview. https://downloads.joomla.org/technical-requirements Turns out that Joomla 3.x has a recommended requirement for postgreSQL - version 9.1 or greater - and a minimum requirement for version 8.3.18. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Johnny is running PostgreSQL 8.1.23 - will this ever be upgraded? Or am I stuck with this version of postgreSQL unless I can find an opening on a different helio server (I know its closed, but stevie is v9.0.7, for example)? Is it possible for it to be upgraded? At least the minor version up to the minimum req. of 8.3.18?
  13. Hi there! I am trying to remotely access my postgres instance, but it does not seem to be enabled, and there does not seem to be a way of accessing the config from within cPanel. Can this be enabled for me? DB name: noscere_thebotfactory and if you need a DB username also, I created the user noscere_joomla Many thanks! edit: server: johnny.heliohost.org
  14. Hello, I would like to activate remote access for postgres database: ombukuro_spruce user: ombukuro_spruce server: johnny Thank you.
  15. I'm using the following command to connect to my remote postgresql database. $ psql -h johnny.heliohost.org -p 5432 -U addike_official -W addike_ConnectionServerDB Password: psql: error: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "ip address over here", user "addike_official", database "addike_ConnectionServerDB", SSL offCredentials: Host: johnny.heliost.org Username: addike_official Database: addike_ConnectionServerDB Port: 5432 Password: . . . Can remote access be enabled for this database please? Thanks!
  16. Due to limitation of Django I need remote access of PostgreSQL. These information might help: username: mahbd database username: mahbd_remote database name: mahbd_api ip address: everywhere I'm on Jhonny server. Thanks.
  17. I want to access my postgre sql from external but I don't really know how can someone provide me some informations and enable external access please. primary domain: cryptex.heliohost.us database name: cryptex_userdata database user: cryptex_admin
  18. Hello, I'd like to connect to my database remotely. database: eitan27_<removed> user: eitan27_<removed> host: ricky I am getting: OperationalError: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "...", user "eitan27_<removed>", database "eitan27_<removed>", SSL off This should mean that this user needs to be whitelisted for remote access. I would also request that this post be removed or edited after be issue is resolved. (I'm happy to do that, so long as I have privileges to, in order to not expose the host & username to the broader internet). Thanks!
  19. Hi, i need remote access to PostgreSQL DB for any IP address, could you help me? Best Regards.
  20. I was trying to connect to my PostgreSQL database remotely with following details: Hostname: johnny.heliohost.org Port: 5432 Database name: mcd322_mcd_web Database user: mcd322_admin But i encountered this error as shown below: Unable to connect to server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "mcd322_admin", database "mcd322_mcd_web", SSL off May I know how may I solve my problem? TQ
  21. Hello, I am unable to access postgresql database remotely on johnny server and I need help and it seems Krydos is only able to allow remote connection, So, here are the config: database: bipingos_online_test user: bipingos_user1 Thanks!
  22. Have a nice day. I have the problem that I can't connect remotely to the postgres database I've made My connection parameters are database: enesonme_upcycling user: enesonme_local host: johnny.heliohost.org And the command from debian I'm using is: psql -h johnny.heliohost.org -p 5432 -U enesonme_local -W pwd -d enesonme_upcycling Then the connection responds: psql: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "your ip", user "enesonme_local", database "enesonme_upcycling", SSL off I need help. Thanks
  23. Hello. I would like to request a PostgreSQL database remote access, will be using in conjunction with Heroku. Database Username: bwatinc_bwat Server: Tommy. Thank You! Regards, bwat
  24. Hi, Please can you assist me with enabling remote access on my PostgreSql database? I've tried to connect with pgAdmin4, and enters the following information: Name: slimsim_ava_db_dev_1 Host name / address: johnny.heliohost.org Port: 5432 Maintenance database: postgresql Username: slimsim_db_user This is error i get when trying to connect: Unable to connect to server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "slimsim_db_user", database "postgresql", SSL offThanks!
  25. Hi, I'd like to have the PostgreSQL uuid-ossp extension installed to generate UUIDs. Is it possible to install it? Server: tommy DBs: kr4cher_teamguard kr4cher_teamguard_test Thanks in advance! kr4cher
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