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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I wanted to import a database (.sql) with phpMyAdmin but i've got this error : InnoDB is in read only mode. Please help me to fix this issue. Thanks.
  2. Hi, Can any admin please check if there are any backups to one of my database which was unfortunately effected by the InnoDB crash. cPanel Username: jeremy93 Hosted Server: Stevie Database Name: jeremy93_primesquad3 Database used for: Wordpress + custom tables. If there is a backup can it please be restored and converted to MyISAM. Thanks
  3. Hi all, I have read in this forums that InnoDB support has been removed right after upgrading mysql. I have applied for a Stevie account because of the ability to use mysql remotely, but without InnoDB I can't really use mysql for what I need. Other engines have too many limitations (mainly missing foreign key constraints) for my project. Will InnoDB support be restored? If so, when it is likely to be restored? Thank you in advance. Cris
  4. I am no the johnny server. I can not create InnoDB tables in mysql. So ,I can not install any application such as X2, Drupal, jommla from softaculous. Then have same null database on phpmyadmin, but I can't delete database, because they aren't listed display on "Current Databases".
  5. Hi. InnoDB is not recommended on stevie(http://www.helionet....s-and-problems/) Does this recommendation still stand? May be I should go for postgre for data integrity, dispite it is slower (https://www.digitalo...agement-system). I downloaded adminer (http://downloads.sou...miner-4.1.0.php) with 644 permission. The result is not good. In the end, I deleted and recreated my account.
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