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  1. Hello, I understand that I need to remember to log in every 30 days and forget sometimes. I donated so once the new server is in place that hopefully goes away. However, I may be overlooking something as I can no longer find my files to edit. Can you point me the right direction? space4u22, receipestation.com Thanks.
  2. Hi, Tried to log in heliohost.org but get the Account status is archived message. Do I need to log in somewhere else?
  3. Hi, Yes, that would be fine. Thank you.
  4. Hi, I donated $15 via PayPal. My transaction id 55L08104YD7106317 and yours will be different as the receiver. Please send link/email to create a Tommy account with dedicated IP. Thank you.
  5. I thought I'd been in in the last 30 day but with the DDos and Johnny down I haaven't been able to do anything. username: space4u2 server: johnny domain: receipestation If Tommy would be an invite for a donation, how much donation is needed. I will consider as I paid for a SSL right before the server died last time. Thanks.
  6. Please unarchive- a. HelioHost username- space4u2@aol.com b. the server your account is on - Johnny c. your HelioHost main domain - receipestation.com Thank you.
  7. Hi, Yes, I did get an email and thought it was accidently sent again since I'd already created the account. I found I still have it so will create again. Can the user be deleted as it won't let me use the same user name space4u2. Thanks for the response.
  8. I had created a tommy account and moved some files to the directory last week. Today I am not able to log in. However I see that maybe Johnny is back so possibly just need to recreate there. Can you let me know what happened to Tommy account? User - space4u2 My Johnny account was receipestation.com. Will I be able to recreate that as the is what domain I have registered and NDS pointed to heliohost? Thanks
  9. Hi Wolstech, Your suggestion worked, thanks.
  10. I am using Filezilla Client 3.22.1. I don't get the certificate error now but still can't get the directory. Am I trying correctly? host: ftp.space4u2.heliohost.org user: space4u2 pwd: my password port 21 I am assuming when I signed up for tommy that the domain is now space4u2 where under johnny my domain was receipestation.com (I will need to update this as that is what I have registered point the name server to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org) Status: Resolving address of ftp.space4u2.heliohost.orgStatus: Connecting to Connection established, waiting for welcome message...Status: Initializing TLS...Status: Verifying certificate...Status: TLS connection established.Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing...Command: PWDResponse: 257 "/" is your current locationCommand: TYPE IResponse: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binaryCommand: PASVResponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,19,143,6,17,170)Command: MLSDError: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivityError: Failed to retrieve directory listingStatus: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of ftp.space4u2.heliohost.orgStatus: Connecting to Connection established, waiting for welcome message...Status: Initializing TLS...Status: Verifying certificate...Status: TLS connection established.Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing...Command: PWDResponse: 257 "/" is your current locationCommand: TYPE IResponse: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binaryCommand: PASVResponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,19,143,6,204,169)Command: MLSDError: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivityError: Failed to retrieve directory listing
  11. Any help? Or does this go under Customer Service?
  12. Hi, I created an account under Tommy from an email received. However when I try to attach with FTP it does not show me the directory so I can copy files I had saved from Johhny. So I have 2 questions. 1. Do you know if something is wrong or I am not setup? host: ftp.space4u2.heliohost.org user: space4u2 port: 21 Starts connection and get certificate expired bu say ok. Flow: Status: Resolving address of ftp.space4u2.heliohost.orgStatus: Connecting to Connection established, waiting for welcome message...Status: Initializing TLS...Status: Verifying certificate...Status: TLS connection established.Status: Logged inStatus: Retrieving directory listing... then some time goes by and: Command: PWDResponse: 257 "/" is your current locationCommand: TYPE IResponse: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binaryCommand: PASVResponse: 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,19,143,6,244,190)Command: MLSDError: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivityError: Failed to retrieve directory listing 2. how do I have my former domain set for Tommy. Former domain on Johnny was receipestation.com. I also had just done a SSL on Johnny for that domain. Will that transfer over or will I need to do it again? Thanks.
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