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Everything posted by egabrense

  1. a. egabrense b. Ricky c. cuantomundo.com Thanks a lot
  2. Oh my, you cant imagine how grateful I am, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
  3. Hi there, sorry for my incompetence but I've been trying to fix it two days with no good result. I own a domain, spanish23.com, and I've been trying to install WP using Softculous. When I install WP using the spanish23.com domain the next message shows up: ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /gpqtpwlpuj2atcctjrwwyyffzanpvbn0.php on this server. Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I've installed WP using the heliohost subdomain and it works but I would like to use the main .com domain. You can visit spanish23.com to see the error. What am I doing wrong? Could somebody help me out? Thanks a lot in advance
  4. Do I receive any message when the account is active again?
  5. Hi there, after a long time inactive (sorry for that, i've been travelling, looking for a new job, that kind of things that dont allow you to focus on what you want to do) I tried to log in my account and: Your account has been archived due to inactivity. Could somebody reactivate it? I would be very grateful because I want to resume my blog for teaching Spanish. Thanks a lot in advance!
  6. Finally I uploaded the pluging manually and it works
  7. please, help I found that i must change some lines in php.ini, including this: ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 10MBut I can't find this archive
  8. yes, I checked at MiltiPHP Manager and says inherit so I guess it's 5.6. Now I know the version, wha t should I do? Thank you again
  9. I try to upload Visual Composer to my blog (which uses WordPress) but a message always appears: upload_max_filesize in php.ini The plugin was Visual Composer (around 4 mb) and I don't know what can I do because I tried several times... Could somebody help me? Thank you in advance!
  10. Could you delete my account on Steevie? My domain was spanish23.com I have a new account on Tommy with a different username and I think it's not possible to add the domain untill my account on Steevie will be deleted. Thanks!
  11. I have the same problem and I can't fix it. I had my domain on Steevie but now I'm on Tommy and I'm not able to change the main domain. I log in the cpanel and press Addon domains, I type the domain I had on Steevie (spanish23.com) and the message is: (XID bpvjy8) A DNS entry for “spanish23.com” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed.
  12. I just did a donation. I hope many users support the project and you can fix the problem. Thanks for your work!
  13. I was also worried. Thanks for your work!
  14. Thanks a lot for replying! Finally I get an account
  15. but registration is closed. My idea is to develop a blog using wordpress for teaching Spanish for free, that's why I decided to use HelioHost, a free host with a long career. I don't know if registration is limited to a certain number of new users per day, so I decided to post in order to get a response. I would like to get an invitation for registering. I also know that's a free service so I've already considered to make a donation and putting a banner on my future website. If any admin read my message I would be very grateful to you if I could get an account, I want to begin with this new project as soon as possible! Kind regards from lovely Spain
  16. Hello! I was trying to register on HelioHost, but the registration was suspended till 00:00 UTC. I'm from Spain so at 00:00 UTC is 02:00 here. I'm afraid of not being able to sign up the service if I wait until the next day. First time I met HelioHost was on Free-webhosts a few years ago, I used to develop websites only using html (and a 56k modem ) and constantly looked up good free hostings. Now, almost ten years later, I decided to start a blog for teaching Spanish for free. I came around, checked Free-webhosts and saw HelioHost, HE IS STILL ALIVE! amazing I thought. I must confess that I never tried out HelioHost but being online for so many years is a great mark of confidence. Today is Sunday and I can spend my time installing wordpress, plugins and the theme. I was wondering if it was possible to contact an admin in order to get an account. Maybe that's not possible however thanks for reading! Long life to HelioHost! I wish you every success
  17. From Spain, and wanting to belong to the HelioHost community!!
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