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Fudge U

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Everything posted by Fudge U

  1. It said it worked, I will wait the 24 hours. Thanks
  2. When I do so it says Error: Error from park wrapper:domain is already configured.
  3. 1. Default domain name: is now http://gameoverload.net Thanks
  4. Byron did it for me.
  5. Changed the main domain to http://gameoverload.net when trying to add the domain I get the error: Error from park wrapper: domain is already configured. Yet it isn't showed in the addon domain manager When going to the site i get the HelioHost Account Queued page
  6. How about a t-shirt with a funny slogan like "I see dumb people" (from thinkgeek.com) Once you post something on the web you cant get it back, think twice before you do anything. Those kind of get back at the bully plots never work, why not go in to the office with the gym teacher and do some schedule work arounds so you dont have to see each other, or sit at opposite ends at the room. Once the school knows about what is going on all will be solved, just be careful, who ever goes to the office first is generally the one to be "believed"
  7. Thanks so much!
  8. If so I see it fit to name it sally, stevie and sally (Aww)
  9. Alright you have got me, I love your hosting so much I want to move my main project over! Can my main domain be changed from fudgeyougames.com to gameoverload.net Thanks!
  10. Wouldn't they know it is you then? I have had mostly good experiences with the administration, at the end of the day it is their job to do the right thing (even if they don't like you). If you don't mind me asking, what did they do to you (like what did they say), I find the best way to beat this kind of thing is to over-exaggerate. For example, when I was in middle school (Dramatic flash back music): I ran for student government and had these big posters of me, mustaches where drawn on them so I showed up with a marker mustache. Good Luck!
  11. Alright I guess it is just me, thanks for your help.
  12. Got it! Then clicked on a link and got my 500 again! It seems really slow too, is there anything i can do to speed it up? Try going there and refreshing the page or clicking a link.
  13. How about my home page? http://fudgeyougames.com/ I posted a snapshot of my error log
  14. I still can access any php pages of my site, is it just me or do others have this problem too?
  15. I keep getting 500 errors and they dont appear in my server logs, uh-oh, some one is abusing this great service! Here is the server status: Service Details Status mysql (5.0.90-community) up exim (exim-4.69-23.1_cpanel_maildir) up syslogd up cpsrvd up cpanellogd up imap up queueprocd up named up pop up postgresql up sshd up spamd up cpdavd up ftpd up Server Load 16.60 (4 cpus) Memory Used 55.9 % Swap Used 15.99 % Disk /dev/sda6 (/tmp) 31 % Disk /dev/sda7 (/home) 93 % Disk /dev/sda8 (/var/lib/mysql) 52 % Disk /dev/sda9 (/var/cpanel) 41 % Disk /dev/sda1 (/) 80 % Disk /dev/sda2 (/var) 74 % Disk /dev/sda3 (/usr) 87 % Please tell us when you catch him/her/it (You don't know, it could be)
  16. Checked the error logs and all that's there are 404 errors
  17. To edit i use the web editor and notepad (FTP). Sometimes after editing and the permissions are correct i still get an internal server error, five minutes later it will work.
  18. Im new to heliohost, and really like it so far, however whenever editing my files it always changes file permissions so I get 500's a lot. I then have to spend a couple of minutes to reset permissions to 755 and wait 5 minutes for it to process. Either that or I just have to wait a few minutes, is this typical? My question(s): Is there a cpanel preference to automatically set or keep current permissions? Also, can i do the same with encoding (not as important)? Last one (Promise, for now) Does logging in via ftp count towards that thirty day inactivity? -Thanks
  19. I set up my account yesterday and it said that within 24 hours my site will be set up. The dns is set correctly but the site isnt working. Neither work. (Since there is no page it should at least return a 404, but it says server not found) Thanks
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