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  1. HelioHost username: mup The server the account is on: Tommy HelioHost main domain: mupdvig.tk I am able to log into Plesk but it says "Warning: Subscription was suspended. All your sites are not available." The stats on the page say "1067.1 MB used of 1000 MB" so I tried to use the FTP with my Plesk username/password to clean up files there but it keeps saying the password is incorrect. Perhaps it doesn't let you in when the "subscription is suspended." Please delete the log files which are most likely the disk space over-usage culprits here. Also, please let me know if there is any way to limit the log size per given domain so this doesn't happen in future. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for looking into it! Unfortunately I can't access anything on the Plesk panel right now except a single page that says "Subscription was suspended. All your sites are not available." Also, on the usage stats it shows "Disk space 525.8 MB used of 1000 MB" I'm assuming Krydos you've deleted the access logs? If not and it's still the issue, feel free to "tail -c 100M" them and I can go from there Also, if that's easier/possible perhaps you could stop the website itself but allow the Plesk access so I can delete files and clear database there and then we can re-enable it when it's done --- Update: I've deleted more log files using the FTP and the disk usage went down to ~250 MB I also had a chance to analyze the access logs and restricted more crawling bots which significantly reduced the load based on the dashboard page graphs Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help!
  3. HelioHost username: mup The server the account is on: Tommy HelioHost main domain: mupdvig.tk I suppose the high load could be the reason. Will try to go through the access logs and block the crawling bots via .htaccess which proved to be helpful last time
  4. Will do. Thanks!
  5. And what about the date/time, is it being logged when the load spike happened? Combined with the website access logs (which I have access to), that might be helpful.
  6. HelioHost username: mup Server: Tommy Main domain: mupdvig.tk If the account was suspended due to the high resource usage, is there any way to see which scripts (URLs) exactly are causing high usage? Thanks
  7. HelioHost username: mup Server: Tommy Main domain: mupdvig.tk If the account was suspended due to the high resource usage, is there any way to see which scripts (URLs) exactly are causing high usage? Thanks
  8. Please delete my account "mup" and domain "mupdvig.tk" from Stevie server. Thanks!
  9. Can you please try to manually backup mysql database? Since one that was in backup archive is empty. Username is "mup". Also, if it would be easier for you to provide just raw db files, I will be fine with that. Thank you.
  10. Please delete my account "mup" and domain "mupdvig.tk" from Johnny server so I can register at Stevie. I've already downloaded all needed backups. Thanks!
  11. Can you double check it please? Because I'm pretty sure it uses MyISAM engine (considering the old backup I have), but there is no .sql files in my home directory.
  12. Please backup my database "mup_forum" (cpanel username: "mup")
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