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Tony M

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Everything posted by Tony M

  1. I want to know if 8 seconds can create future problems in My account (like high CPU usage)?
  2. I created a new script that collects Live News Feed... I used a php code (like http://www.developerfusion.com/code/2058/d...on-time-in-php/ ) to see the php execution time of My new script... What I get is: 8.30144 ... seconds So is 8.30144 seconds is very high or it is normal?
  3. A normal php include: http://php.net/manual/en/function.include.php To include the same header and footer across all pages....
  4. I am using php include in some pages...
  5. I want to update My website... the pages would be mainly updated to php (because I updated them to show php current time on every page...), but the pages extensions were .html ... So My question is: (what is recommended to do?) Should I still use the .html extension (to the new and old pages) and make in .htacess .html to be processed as .php OR Should I use .php extension (for the new and old pages)? (some say that .html is better for Search Engine Optimization...)
  6. I have one domain and I am hosting the same website contents at Heliohost and at another hosting company, If I directed My domain to the nameservers of Heliohost and the other hosting at the same time, does the domain work correctly? And if in this situation the Heliohost is in downtime, does My domain will still working with the other host? (Djbob might know the answer of this)
  7. I have many (more than 5) tracking codes, to track visitors that comes to My website (like Google Analytic, Add stats...). So what is the best solution to put these codes: put them at the end or at the beginning of the page or disperse them around the page? And if putting them all at the end of the page can lead to wrong statistics? (because sometimes the page won't load completely to the end or some visitors don't wait to the end of loading time) (I accidentally submitted this question twice)
  8. I registered a domain and also registered a DNS Hosting account. I targeted My domain to the name servers of the DNS Hosting (Not in Heliohost). In the DNS Hosting account (Not in the Heliohost cpanel) I configured the CNAME and the MX records, But Now what should I do, should I configure My DNS account (Not in Heliohost) to direct to the name servers of Heliohost? And what should I do in the Heliohost cpanel? (should I enter My new domain in the Add-on domains or what? and after adding the domain should I delete the records that Heliohost automatically add to My domain so that there wouldn't be two CNAME's and MX records...?)
  9. I want My add-on domain to work with WWW. at the beginning (like www.example.com) and I do not want this WWW to be as a sub-domain (like tony.example.com), so what should I add (MX or CNAME or A .... or A and CNAME ....) in My advanced DNS configurations? (there were a server error (500) on this forum and I accidentally submitted this question more that once)
  10. Tony M

    Another Downtime!

    I am also experiencing this problem, I cannot access My Cpanel but I can access My site. But Now I think that the problem is resolved
  11. I am having a problem with the dynamic parameters. Many visitors (of My website) when they want to link to My website, they link to it and sometimes they add parameters (that I didn't put), like they link to http://www.example.com/tony.php?sid=1234 , and don't link to the main page that is http://www.example.com/tony.php, so now I had a mixed statistics about My visitors, and search engines (like "Google") begins to ban My website because it sees the same page in different parameters (or URLs). So I there a way to disable these parameters or make My pages to redirect automatically to the main page (when a person enters the page by a parameter)? (if this is not possible, please say that is not possible)
  12. Ok, Djbob , How can I add to manually?
  13. The problem is that I have more than 520 pages and all of My pages are now .php , so if this "If Modified Since" is disabled "Google" will crawl and crawl and crawl.... every day the same pages and the same contents because he receives that these pages are changing every seconds (and this is not true, I only change these 520 pages only once per Year, or per month...). I do not have a big problem about this, but Your Servers Might, because "Google" might send more than one requests (or pings) per second, so My account will be overloaded and You might Ban or Terminate My account. (I noticed that almost any php website on the internet do not use this "If Modified Since") (I do not know or have an experience about this thing or what can happen) So I want to know is this ok (so that "Google" crawl and crawl a website without stopping and might not affect very badly on My account) or it might affect very badly My account or Your servers? (sorry for My Big questions : but this question concern every account or users that use .php and have more than 100 pages )
  14. How to configure My site to enable If-Modified-Since Header ( http://www.feedthebot.com/ifmodified.html )?
  15. Does using PHP Include ( http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_includes.asp : <?php include("example.php"); ?>) more than once (more than 10 times in a page) can make My pages run slower or cause server errors?! (when I use it, it seems that My pages are loading slower)
  16. Tony M

    Response Time

    I only experience this low response time with helionet.org and this low response time is always present. Ok, servers do experience high load by not on a 24h/24 hours, it might be a (small) DDos attack or someone is using his account for downloads or something that had long time downloads?
  17. Tony M

    Response Time

    My Ip is from Europe, and I have a 512kB/second connection (DSL)
  18. Tony M

    Response Time

    Every website on the net, when I access it I wait only 1 second and the website begins to be downloaded to My browser. For My website on Heliohost (and Helionet.org forum also) when I access it, I wait more than 20 second so that My browser gets response and then begins to download the page (I get always this type of problem and even when accessing this forum). So what should I do to get a faster response from My website (should I use a DNS like http://www.cloudns.net/ and point My domain to it so that I get a faster response time)?
  19. There is no big difference between Firefox and Chrome but Chrome needs some plug-ins to work with flash and JavaScript. But Firefox seems to be faster and more up-datable and supported by many websites
  20. What is Your Favorite Browser?
  21. Windows and Macintosh
  22. You may find Your answer in http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=6433
  23. Hotmail is the fastest
  24. I mean a domain name like www.example.com (not .edu or or.yourname) and not a subdomain like www.exapmle.heliohost.org or www.example.co.nr
  25. Tony M

    301 Redirect

    How to redirect 301 all the website but excluding a directory (so that only this directory will not be redirected), like redirecting 301 all the website example.com to example2.com without redirecting the files that are in example.com/help/ (I search "Google" but only find how to redirect all website http://www.isitebuild.com/301-redirect.htm)
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