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Everything posted by rahuld147

  1. Hello Support Admin, I did exactly what you said; I recreated the user mrres again with same password as before and assigned it to the database. But now my website is gone! All I see is this error (see screenshot) : Also, when I access phpMyAdmin now I only see the table structures of all those tables which were previously there before MySQL server malfunctioned and went down 2 days ago. All my tables data is lost now! I have no clue what to do now Please help! Also, one more problem... actually the database is empty now (there are no table structure present in it) but I still see the tables name in the left hand sidebar and no tables on the Structure tab. See screenshot: I am fu*%&ed up I am deleting the whole database and recreating it again. Anyways, my thread will help the Administrators to debug the issue to make sure nothing like this happens again. Thanks
  2. Hello, My website: pricetau.com is on Stevie server and my cPanel username is: rahuld14 I am observing this error from more than 24 hours now: Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'rahuld14_mrres'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Yesterday when I checked the Service Status link under cPanel, it was showing MySQL to be down but now it shows MySQL service to be up and running but I am still getting this error! When I am trying to access phpMyAdmin from cPanel I see this error (see screenshot) Please do something to get it fixed ASAP. Thanks & Regards, Rahul Dhangar
  3. Is the MySQL server on Stevie server still down?
  4. Thank you wolstech, I am deleting the account from Johnny server as instructed and will signup on Stevie after 24 hrs. Your support rocks.. Cheers!
  5. Hello Guys, I have recently came to know about heliohost's awesome offering (free hosting!) and I am pretty excited to dive in deep and leverage its full potential. Since I am new to Heliohost, I know little about the do's and don'ts here so sorry if I am asking more than possibility I have a simple query: I have some php code stored on another host and I need to connect it to my Heliohost account's MySQL database so basically I am wandering to know: 1) Whether it is possible (abiding witht he terms & conditions of Heliohost) ? 2) If possible, then what changes do I need to make in cpanel settings to make it possible? 3) What would I put in the hostname field when connecting to this database remotely? Your help is much appreciable and looking forward to see some smart people help me here
  6. OMG!! Dear Admin, Please can you tell me any way through which I can migrate my account from Johnny to Stevie server? I also tracked the uptime of my website and sorry to say, but its less than 50% and though I am not complaining about the same (you guys giving the hosting for free is awesome and much appreciable) but I wish to get it shifted to Stevie server for a bit better stability. Your kind response is highly appreciated and sought after! Best Regards, Rahul D
  7. 1) HelioHost username: rahuld14 2) Server: johnny 3) HelioHost main domain: pricetau.com I am still not able to access the index.php page on website though I am able to login into cpanel using this URL: http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/ Please help. Thank You!
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