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  1. Thanks for the info, I think I may just consolidate the sites into one or two, thanks for the info.
  2. When you do that could you change the main domain from flighttime.tk to fluggs.tk please. this is the list of domains I had fluggs.tk, bonnage.ml, easterncape.tk, wooldridge.tk, wildsidedivers.tk, flighttime.tk, droneworx.ml, divefest.tk
  3. Lets reset it, hopefully that sorts out any issues. I have backups so it's all good
  4. Thanks for the update
  5. Logging into my plesk dashboard this morning, all the subdomains that were associated with my account were missing and the primary URL does not resolve either.
  6. Awesome thanks very much
  7. Hi I seem to be locked out of my account, would it be possible to reset my password my username is fluggs Many thanks
  8. I am getting an error like the following when I try and add the below 3 domains: (XID xy6npf) A DNS entry for “fluggs.tk” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. fluggs.tk bonnage.ml wooldridge.ml
  9. Here they are : easterncape.tk rduinostuff.tk fluggs.tk droneworx.ml bonnage.ml wildsidedivers.tk wooldridge.ml iot-sa.tk many thanks
  10. THank you very much
  11. Is it possible to release my domains registered to tommy (fluggs)
  12. Morning Please could you send me an invite for Ricky, I donated to the original Tommy fund raiser fluggs(at) hotmail and I also donated now to Ricky : Transaction ID: 02J44133Y3686270Y. Thank you
  13. Wooldrid

    Tommy Downtime

    Morning, I am battling to create a temp account until Tommy is rebuilt, I've got my backup (thanks) but my timezone is such that The servers new Account cap is reached by 04:00 in the morning. Is their a way to cue a new account request. On a separate note will Tommy's IP remain the same
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