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Posts posted by vnsmes

  1. I'm able to change my password via email, but can't login anymore. 

    I've lost my main domain for not renewing it, and maybe that's the reason why I can't login(?).


    I haven't been using the host for months, but I'm starting a new business and heliohost would be a huge helper (again) now.

    My new main domain would be agridoceconfeitaria.com


    Account: vnsmesuf

    Main domain: vnsmes.com (not mine anymore)


  2. I've got switched from Tommy to Ricky recently, and everything was going fine. But today I've discovered a problem with one of my domains.


    Trying to access www.cavetufmt.com lead me to the "Account Inactive" page of heliohost, but my account isn't inactive at the moment. 


    The http://cavetufmt.com leads to "Account Queued" page page of heliohost, but my other domain is already working from a couple weeks in the same account.


    user: vnsmesuf

    domain: cavetufmt.com


    Hope you can help me again.

    Thanks in advance, you're the best.

  3. I'll have Krydos take a look. Usually removing the domain and readding it would regenerate missing DNS, so I'm surprised that didn't work.

    Don't need it anymore. I figured out that I did wrong the first time. I thought that you've told me to remove and add the nameservers on the registrar.

    Now I've removed on cpanel and add again. Everything is fine now.


    Thank you for your time. You were awesome, as usual :D

  4. Hello. One of my domains parked on Tommy aren't working, and I'm not 100% sure why.
    The domain is cavetufmt.com, and it was working normally until last sunday.
    It's a google site page, I'm using Tommy server just to have a custom domain name, since the registrar's (HostGator) control panel don't allow me to do this by there.
    It's been a while (2 or 3 months) that the metrics weren't working anymore for this domain, but this don't bothered me. Now the entire site don't work. 
    Cpanel Zone Editor returns "Failed to fetch zone file for cavetufmt.com" when I try to manage the Records,  and "Unable to find SOA record." when I try to add a New Record.
    Don't know if it's an issue with Google Sites, HostGator or Tommy server.
    I hope you can help me with this.
    Thanks in advance.


    Username: vnsmesuf

    Server: Tommy

    Domain: cavetufmt.com

  5. Yeah, you're right. Well, after rename my .htaccess I could install the script and use the subdomain, but after rename back to .htaccess, I'm not able to open my subdomain again (500 error).

    I've searched solutions to problems like mine, but none of them have worked.


    Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    AddEncoding gzip .gz
    AddEncoding gzip .gzip
    <FilesMatch "\.(js.gz|js.gzip)$">
      ForceType text/javascript
    <FilesMatch "\.(css.gz|css.gzip)$">
      ForceType text/css
    #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.xml|\.feed|robots\.txt|\.raw|/[^.]*)$  [NC]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.php
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !chat.vnsmes.com$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/chat/

    The code above should solve the problem, but it didn't.


    Oxwall is at public_html

  6. Well, nameservers already changed, but the problem persists. And it seems to happen only with the BlaB! software especifically. i've tried and successfully installed other php softwares with no problems. Any recomendations on what to do? I'm kind of frustrated  :unsure:

  7. Hello everyone.

    I'm not sure if this is a problem with the host, so I'll post as a question.


    I'm trying to install the 'BlaB!' script at one of my subdomains, but Softaculous retrieve this error message after loading about 8% of the instalation:

    • Could not access your domain. Please make sure your domain is pointing to this server and there is no .htaccess file restricing access to your domain

    The script would be installed at http://chat.vnsmes.com/

    I'm sure the domain is pointing to the server, and the .htaccess file doesn't look to be a problem for other scripts at softaculous. Besides that, i've already allowed the 'chat' folder at .htaccess (otherwise my Oxwall instalation wouldn't let me access the folder's files).


    Is it a problem with the script itself, or the host doesn't fill the requirements, or it is just me doing something wrong?

    Any help is appreciated.


    Thank you for reading.



  8. Hello Byron, thanks for the quick answer.

    My account just got suspended again, and I want to ask you if it's possible that my "Welcome Emails" are the cause of the problem. I'm kinda begginer ad web development, and by now I'm using Oxwall Software in my site. When new users sign in at my site, they receive a welcome email. Every automatic email run a cron job? If this is the cause of problem, I'm sure I can deactivate this function.

    I just love heliohost, and don't wanna lose your support. If you can help me to solve my problem, I'll be very grateful.

  9. Hello!
    ​I'm a novice at website creation and management, and in need of some help, as the topic title suggests :P

    The thing is: I'm using the oxwall platform to run my blog/site since 2015, when I joined HelioHost, and everything was going pretty fine, untill the Stevie server get down.

    Fortunatelly, I was able to restore all my data, including the database. But, for some unknown reason (to me, of course), the main page of my site is showing a weird tab name in browser. The name is base+meta_title_index


    I would be very thankfull if someone knows how to change this.


    My website is vnsmes.com


    Sorry for my english.

    Thanks in advance.

  10. Due to the problem with the Stevie server, I ask you to move my account to the Tommy server. I really like the service you provide, and I do not intend to change HelioHost for another service, simply because you are the best.
    I made a small donation to not only get an invitation to Tommy, but to help you and the whole community.
    Long life to HelioHost.
    username: vnsmesuf
    domain: vnsmes.com
    And if necessary, here is the PayPal transaction code: 74N757018G7625104


  11. This currently looks like the major incident from 2 years ago recurring. :(/> You'll need to change your cPanel password then log out and in to fix PHPMyAdmin. Your database users will need to be deleted and recreated, then reassigned to the databases. The databases themselves are likely all invisible, check in PhpMyAdmin to see if they're there. If not, wait until there's an official announcement on this incident to find out what needs to be done fix this.


    I did what you said to, and now everything seems normal. I'll try to backup my site and start the db from zero again, 'cause oxwall, by some reason, can't connect to SQL anymore. Not a big problem.

    Thanks for the support, heliohost is really awesome!

  12. Seems like it's restored, but when I try to install or backup something at softaculous, it shows the following message:

    The following errors were found :

    • Could not connect to the database Access denied for user 'vnsmesuf_loja'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    Anything I can do to repair?

  13. Hello! My website is actually offline. I've entered in debug mode (oxwall platform), and it answered that I got a problem with SQL. At cPanel, when I open 'MySql', it shows, immediately, the following message, and I don't know if I did something wrong or not... What should I do?

    The MySQL server is currently offline.

    Error while connecting to MySQL: Cpanel::DBI::Mysql connect('','root',...) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/MysqlUtils/Connect.pm line 156 Error while connecting to MySQL: Cpanel::DBI::Mysql connect('','root',...) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/MysqlUtils/Connect.pm line 156 ...caught

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